Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation

SEQUME (2021-2024)

Metrology Research Institute is involved in project SEQUME - "Developing the metrology and instrumentation for single-photon sources, required for future advances in quantum technologies" financed by the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR).
A photo of measurement setup when calibrating KBFI device.
Comparison measurement of cooled PQED and KBFI detector

This project develops the protocols and instrumentation required for measurements at the single-photon level, including sub-shot noise measurements, quantum imaging, sub-diffraction imaging, and quantum illumination. In addition, novel methods for the fabrication of single-photon sources have been developed and optimized for such parameters as purity and brightness.

The goal of this project is to establish a metrology infrastructure for calibration of single-photon sources and detectors. For this, the consortium has developed new single-photon sources and entangled-photon sources for traceable measurements and specified their performance parameters. New validation methods have been produced to optimize sources for highest purity characterization (g(2)(t = 0) close to 0), brightness (photon rate > 5 000 000 photons per second) and indistinguishability (Hong-Ou-Mandel visibility > 95 %). 

Within this project, MRI of Aalto University utilized a liquid-nitrogen cooled Predictable Quantum Efficient Detector (PQED) for calibrations of single-photon detectors with photon flux down to 0.5 million photons per second. Calibration measurements were made for a low-flux detector of National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics (KBFI) [1]. Calibration results indicate that both detectors agree well within their measurement uncertainties (Table 1).

Table 1 Results of PQED and KBFI detectors at several photon flux levels between 0.5 million ph/s and 10 million ph/s. The measured photon rate of KBFI detector is based on nominal responsivity of the photodiode [1].

Results of PQED and KBFI detectors at several photon flux levels between 0.5 million ph/s and 10 million ph/s. The measured phot


  1. Korpusenko M., Sildoja M., Manoocheri F., and Ikonen E., Measurements of Low Optical Power with Cryostat-Based Predictable Quantum Efficient Detector at Liquid Nitrogen Temperature (submitted).

Farshid Manoocheri

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