Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation

BiRD (2017-2020)

European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR) project BiRD - "Bidirectional reflectance definitions".
Figure 1.

This project aimed to clarify how bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) measurements should be carried out on both classical surfaces and surfaces exhibiting goniochromatism (Fig. 1), gloss, and/or sparkle visual effects.

Metrology Research Institute (MRI) contributions to WP1 and WP2 were based on competence in the area of material characterizations and assessment of settings of instruments for BRDF and gloss measurements.

Within WP1, MRI performed series of BRDF measurements of goniochromatic samples and investigated whether variations in illumination beam size or detection solid angle have any effect on the results of conducted measurements. Preliminary results suggested that variation of solid angle from 0.0086 to 0.0239 sr had a negligible effect on BRDF measurements as well as variation of beam size between 5 mm to 13 mm.

In WP2, MRI reviewed the state of the art in terms of existing commercial color management software for color quality control of surface appearance in collaboration with the University of Alicante, Spain (UA). Based on that MRI developed a universal BRDF data format and an open source code to plot and to compare BRDF in polar mode [1].


Within WP1 Aalto performed series of BRDF measurements of goniochromatic samples and investigated whether variations in illumination beam size or detection solid angle have any effect on the result of conducted measurements. Preliminary results suggested that variation of solid angle from 0.0086 to 0.0239 sr had a negligible effect on BRDF measurements as well as variation of beam size between 5 mm to 13 mm.

In WP2 Metrology Research Institute reviewed the state of the art in terms of existing commercial color management software for color quality control of surface appearance in collaboration with the University of Alicante, Spain (UA). Based on that Aalto developed an open source code to plot and to compare BRDF in polar mode [1]. In parallel, with support from UA, Aalto developed an open source code to visualize BRDF in color domain (CIELAB space) and study color travel and appearance. The code was tested with data from other activities of the project, and from those obtained in IND52 xDReflect project.


[1] Lanevski, D., Ferrero, A., Perales, E., Manoocheri, F., & Ikonen, E. (2022). Machine-readable universal data format for bidirectional reflectance distribution function and BiRDview—An open-source web-based application for viewing and comparing bidirectional reflectance data. Color Research and Application.

Link to the developed web application:

Link to the code source:

Contact person: Farshid Manoocheri, Dmitri Lanevski

More information about the project can be found at the project website:

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