Department of Art and Media

Learning Environments (LeGroup)

The Learning Environments Research Group (LeGroup) is involved in research, design, and development of New Media tools, as well as their use in the field of learning.
+Andscape, Augmented reality sandbox

Latest LeGroup news

Here we publish news on our current research and activities. From the about -page you will find the basic information. You may want to check also our research outputs, prototypes, and people.

Research & Art, Studies Published:

New book: Learning Society — What is good for children is good for all

Learning Society — What is good for children is good for all
Book by Teemu Leinonen & Mikko Mäkelä
Sign of swinging
Research & Art Published:

Steam, crises, puppetry and more . . .

It's been a while, since we wrote an update covering what's going on in the Learning Environment research group. A lot has happened and a lot is happening. We have done research on learning science-technology-engineering-art-math (STEAM), design for crises communication, telerobotic puppetry and machines that teach and learn creativity. We have number of new publications, prototypes and projects.
SySTEM 2020 workshop
Research & Art Published:

Ongoing research and prototypes

Learning Environments research group has a new space in the Väre building. In addition of another move — of which we are very happy about, as we are back in the core of the Aalto Media Lab — we have done some research, design experiments and prototypes.
Video conference with a group of participants
Research & Art Published:

Latest projects, prototypes and experiments

When people ask what are we working on right now at the Learning Environments research group, it is often difficult to summarize all the different prototypes, experiments, and projects. The university keeps track of all our publications, but there is so much more with impact.

More about us

Media Lab Demo Day - Learning Environments Research Group

About LeGroup

The Learning Environments Research Group was founded in 1998 when Aalto Media Lab launched its initiative on future learning environments in cooperation with the Centre for Research on Networked Learning and Knowledge Building at the University of Helsinki.

Aalto Media Lab
Learning Environments group

LeGroup Research

The Learning Environments Research Group (LeGroup) work is conducted in international research projects. Here we a keep alist of our research publication and the pasts and the current research projects.

Aalto Media Lab
Social Augmented Reality prototype

LeGroup Prototypes

We love designing prototypes as part of our research work. Our working method revolves around creating continuously evolving prototypes, which can be prototypes of practices, services, software, hardware or media.

Aalto Media Lab
Learning Environments Research Group, a few cardboard rectangles with different-colour circles and squares glued on them.

LeGroup People

Research is done by people. Check out the Learning Environments Research Group's (LeGroup) people and the associates.

Aalto Media Lab

Contact person

Teemu Leinonen

Teemu Leinonen

Professori (Associate professor)
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