Department of Applied Physics

Nokia Industrial Doctoral School in Quantum Technology

Nokia Industrial Doctoral School in Quantum Technology is a long-term effort to train highly skilled PhDs in the field of quantum technology. The focus is on industrially relevant topics that range from fundamental science to applied research. There is a unique opportunity to work together with Nokia researchers since the program aims to connect them with the supervising professors at Aalto.


This doctoral school was launched in 2021 thanks to a donation from the Nokia Corporation and the first cohort of PhD students started in the first half of 2022. In addition to providing funding for the salaries of PhDs students, the school organizes events and supports travel.

Steering Board

Mikko Möttönen (Chair, Aalto University)

Alexandru Paler (Aalto University)

Jukka Pekola (Aalto University)

Sean Kennedy (Nokia Bell Labs)

Mikko Uusi-Talo (Nokia Bell Labs)

Hannu Kauppinen, CTO of Nokia Technologies

Nokia Industrial Doctoral School in Quantum Technology paves the way for the utilisation of quantum computing in Finland in 2030

Hannu Kauppinen, CTO of Nokia Technologies.

2022 call open for funded PhD candidates 

We are pleased to announce that the call for fully funded (up to four years) PhD positions in the doctoral school is now open! More details can be found at Doctoral Candidates in Quantum Technology and Science | Aalto University where also applications can be launched. The theme of the call this year is solving problems in building or applying useful quantum computers especially based on superconducting qubits. 

Each student is heavily encouraged to contact a potential supervisor at Aalto and an advisor at Nokia before lodging an application. To this end, and for questions on the content of the research proposal, feel free to contact the persons given below for specific focus topics. Note that the eligible advisors and supervisors are not limited to this list, and especially on the Aalto side, one is encouraged to explore the various research groups, for example, at the Departments of Applied Physics, Electronics and Nanoengineering, Computer Science, and  Communications and Networking, and the Centre of Excellence in Quantum Technology (QTF). 

Nokia advisors 

Alexei Ashikhmin (Quantum Error Correction and Quantum Information Theory), [email protected] 

Andrea Blanco-Redondo (Optical Quantum Computing), [email protected] 

Michael Eggleston (Quantum Computing Applications), [email protected]  

Lorant Farkas (Distributed Quantum Algorithms), [email protected]  

Dimitrios Schoinianakis (Practical Security in the Quantum era), [email protected] 

Karthik Upadhya (Senior Radio Research Specialist), [email protected]  

Joachim Wabnig (Quantum Algorithms), [email protected]  

Bob Willet (Topological Quantum Computing), [email protected] 

Aalto supervisors 

Petri Ala-Laurila, quantum biology, [email protected]  

Pertti Hakonen, quantum circuits and photon generation, [email protected]  

Jose Lado, topological quantum materials theory, [email protected] 

Mikko Möttönen, superconducting quantum circuits for sensing and computing, [email protected] 

Alexandru Paler, quantum software, [email protected] 

Jukka Pekola, open quantum systems and quasiparticles in superconducting circuits, [email protected] 

Ilkka Tittonen, quantum algorithms, [email protected] 

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