Department of Accounting & Business Law

Matti Rudanko

Professor Emeritus (Business Law)
Matti Rudanko

Artistic and research interests

I am a professor of Private Law, Aalto University School of Business (since 1998) and Docent of Civil Law, Univ. of Helsinki (since 1990). I have the position of the Head of the Department of Accounting in Aalto University School of Business (2010 - 2012).Currently I share my time between tasks of the head of department and those of the professor of private law.  As a scientific supervisor, I am very inspired by the methodological skills of doctoral students as well as students writing their master's theses. In my own research, I am focusing on the interface between competition law and civil law in questions of damages liability of cartels. I am also interested to broaden my methodological views and to adopt new research tools.

Education/Academic qualification

  • Doctor of Laws, Helsingin yliopisto

  • Licentiate of Laws, Helsingin yliopisto

  • Master of Laws, Helsingin yliopisto

Academic keywords

Securities and Banking Law, General Civil Law, Law of Torts, Law of Contract, Rahoitusmarkkinoiden ja pankkitoiminnan sääntely, Yleinen siviilioikeus, Vahingonkorvausoikeus, Sopimusoikeus, Smart contract

Contact: [email protected]

Latest publications

Smart Contracts and Traditional Contracts: Views of Contract Law

Matti Rudanko 2021 Smart Contracts: Technological, Business and Legal Perspectives

Ontología de los sistemas sociotécnicos y algunas de sus implicaciones metodológicas y sociales

Matti Rudanko 2020 Inteligencia Artificial: De la discrepancia regional a las leyes universales. Integración de percepciones políticas, económicas y legales

Kriittinen diskurssianalyysi lainsäädännön tutkimuksessa

Piia Kapulainen, Matti Rudanko 2012 Business law forum 2012

EU merger remedies and competition concerns: an empirical assessment

Wei Wang, Matti Rudanko 2012 EUROPEAN LAW JOURNAL

Pankkikriisin oikeudellisia kysymyksiä

Matti Rudanko 2011 Pankkikriisin pitkä varjo - Suomen 1990-luvun pankkikriisin yhteiskunnallinen tilinpäätös

Is there scope for the protection of the weaker on financial markets?


Sopimussuhteiden häiritseminen

M. Rudanko 2009 Defensor Legis
More information on our research in the Aalto research portal.
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