Department of Accounting & Business Law

Department of Accounting & Business Law Publications

The faculty of the department publish their work in internationally recognized accounting journals. Articles by the members of the faculty have been published in a wide range of top academic journals, such as Accounting, Organization and Society, Management Accounting Research and Journal of Accounting Research.
Close-up of two students making notes to research articles that they are reading.

Latest publications

How Does Carbon Footprint Information Affect Consumer Choice? : A Field Experiment

Bianca Beyer, Rico Chaskel, Simone Euler, Joachim Gassen, Ann-Kristin Großkopf, Thorsten Sellhorn 2024 JOURNAL OF ACCOUNTING RESEARCH

Managerial extraversion and corporate voluntary disclosure

Florian Eugster, Jenni Kallunki, Juha-Pekka Kallunki, Henrik Nilsson 2024 Contemporary Accounting Research

Agents’ context-specific conduct in making strategic investment decisions

Jari Huikku, Elaine Harris, Moataz Elmassri, Deryl Northcott 2024 Journal of Accounting and Organizational Change

The Effect of Audit Partner Digitalization Expertise on Audit Fees

Arpine Maghakyan, Henry Jarva, Lasse Niemi, Jukka Sihvonen 2024 European Accounting Review
More information on our research in the Aalto research portal.
Research portal
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