Corporate collaboration

Digital Business Master Class

The Digital Business Master Class is an intensive master’s-level course that focuses on digital technologies as tools for building businesses.
Aalto University Summer School students doing group work on Aalto University campus.

Topics of the Digital Business Master Class (DBMC) include data-driven business, business design thinking and implementation of new technologies. Learning experiences range from insightful discussions in class to multidisciplinary teamwork and corporate collaboration.

The course includes 2 weeks of intensive project work, as well as independent pre- and post-work periods. Students start working on background research for the project during the pre-work phase.

The project partners can be large or small business enterprises, NGOs, or public organizations. In recent years, we have partnered with, for example, companies like CGI, Digimuseo, Finavia, Finders Seekers, Fortum, Helkama Bica, Konecranes, PwC and Posti, as well as local startups like Rentle and Jono App.

The projects for the course should be connected to themes of digitalisation. Examples of suitable case topics include: 

  • Applicability and benefits of new digital technologies 
  • Digital marketing optimisation 
  • Developing the organisation with digital technology 
  • Digital value creation and service design
  • Opportunities in the platform economy

What can the company expect from taking part in this project?

  • New perspectives and ideas from an international and multidisciplinary student team
  • Recommendations based on the newest information on digital business
  • Innovative problem-solving
  • A report and presentation that present the recommended concept or solution to the company’s digital challenge

What is required from the company?

  • Outlining an interesting case topic together with the DBMC program manager
  • Hosting a company visit and case briefing for the student team
  • Helping student teams with company-specific questions and the direction of the project during the intensive project work phase
  • Attending the final presentation and giving feedback on project results

We received clear and practical solutions, and the students summarized a complex situation in a very concise way.

Atso Andersen, Lead Consultant, Regulatory Compliance and Risks, CGI

What do the students receive?

During the Master Class, students learn how companies transform their processes and systems by implementing digital technologies. Students attend classes and workshops given by academic and industry lecturers. The main learning experience is challenge-based: students work in international and multidisciplinary teams to solve real business cases from company partners. The project work can include, for example, background research, interviews, data analysis, design thinking, etc., depending on the topic.

The main learning objectives for students are:

  • Explore and implement key topics in digital business
  • Differentiate between digital transformation and digital optimisation
  • Evaluate the constantly evolving digital business landscape both locally and globally
  • Gain theoretical and practical knowledge on digital strategies
  • Work in international multidisciplinary teams
  • Apply project management in virtual and on-site projects
  • Develop recommendations for real-life case

Course details

  • Contact: Peter Gaggl, Program manager, [email protected], tel. +358 45 208 2254
  • Project duration: June-July and/or July-August 2024
  • Number of students per project team: 4-6
  • Project fee for a company: No fee
  • Application period for companies: March - May 2024
  • Published:
  • Updated:
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