Research at CQE

The research activities of CQE groups focus on control of charge, flux, phonons, microwave radiation and plasmons at the ultimate accuracy, governed by quantum mechanics.
Ville Maisi at PICO lab

Our broad experience on fabrication and experiments on functional hybrid nanomaterials and nanostructures, 2D-materials, quantum metamaterials, as well as nanoscale components, sensors, and detectors is combined with leading theoretical expertise in the field. Our strong complementary knowhow allows us to develop and design new functional materials and structures for quantum technology applications.

CQE's strengths

We work at and develop the state-of-the-art national research infrastructure OtaNano, providing advanced nanofabrication, nanomicroscopy, and ultra-low temperature measurement facilities for quantum technologies at Aalto Otaniemi campus. As a member of the national grid and cloud computing infrastructure FGCI, we have access to the Finnish (CSC – IT Center for Science Ltd) and European (PRACE) supercomputing resources.

Our strong national collaborators are VTT quantum technologies and Turku Centre for Quantum Physics.

Below, we outline the CQE/Aalto activities in selected areas of quantum technology where we are strong in Finland. Related quantum enabling technologies are considered in the respective themes.

Spin-off Success Stories

Our quantum engineering research has made a prominent impact by leading to several academic spinoffs and even international success stories. Aivon, Asqella, BlueFors Cryogenics, Canatu, Elekta Neuromag, IntelliSense, MuRata Electronics (MEMS), and Okmetic – to mention a few – represent an indisputable record of the strong and enthusiastic research taking place by research groups within the CQE.

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