
Teresa Silvennoinen & Tapio Vepsäläinen

Summer of Startups was a great and intense experience. All four of us lived together for the entire nine weeks in a small apartment here in Otaniemi.
Aalto-yliopisto, Otaniemi stories: Teresa Silvennoinen, Turun kauppakorkeakoulun opiskelija Tapio Vepsäläinen, Turun kauppakorkeakoulun alumni / Kuvaaja: Sinikoski

‘Tapio is my boyfriend, but I had never met the two other members of our Askflix team before the start of the Summer of Startups. One of them resigned from a job in Ireland in order to be on our team.

This was a great and intense experience. All four of us lived together for the entire nine weeks in a small apartment here in Otaniemi. One slept in a cardboard box-like creation, while the rest of us fortunately had real beds. It was pretty epic all around!’

Teresa Silvennoinen, Turku School or Economics student
Tapio Vepsäläinen, Turku School of Economics alumnus

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