
Nita Vera

My New Year’s resolution is to work less this year. Keeping my resolution will not be easy.
Aalto-yliopisto, Otaniemi stories: Nita Vera, valokuvataiteen opiskelija / Kuvaaja: Sinikoski

‘My days consist of so many different jobs and projects at the moment that it some times feels like small stones are hovering above me, with one of them constantly about to fall. I believe that working life was easier to manage for earlier generations because work was not so fragmented and hectic back then.

My New Year’s resolution is to work less this year. I want to finish writing my thesis, and I hope to have more time to spend with my friends and loved ones. Keeping my resolution will not be easy because it will require me to turn down even projects, which are close to my heart.’

Nita Vera, photography student

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