
Minttumeri Hirsimaa

The topic of our course task is humanity. On this art course, I ended up making a two-metre wooden statue using a chain saw.
Aalto-yliopisto, Otaniemi stories: Minttumeri Hirsimaa, muotoilun opiskelija / Kuvaaja: Sinikoski

‘The topic of our course task is humanity. Normally, I work on a small scale with very delicate materials such as glass, ceramics or textile. On this art course, I however ended up making a two-metre wooden statue using a chain saw. After the first day, my arms were physically so tired that I couldn’t do anything the next day. Anyway, it has been really educational and awesome to get to do something this different. Just changing the scale seems to change a lot of the things in my way of working that are normally obvious.’

Minttumeri Hirsimaa, student of design

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