
Meeting room AV upgrades on Aalto University campus

In Aalto University meeting rooms a concept of BYOM (Bring Your Own Meeting) is supported. Meeting rooms will be equipped with a display and a soundbar (containig a microphone, speakers and a camera) that can be connected to a laptop via USB-C and HDMI. There are adapters available in the rooms to enable connectivity in case the laptop doesn't support USB-C.

Meeting rooms on campus (list contains spaces that are upgraded and ones that are waiting for an upgrade)

Building Space Status
OK1 Maininki (M102) ready 2021
OK1 Tuuma (M235a) ready 2021
OK1 U216 ready 2022
OK1 U303 ready 2021
OK1 U501a ready 2022
OK1 U503 ready 2022
OK1 U515 ready 2022
OK1 Virsta (Y312) ready 2021
OK1 Y404 (Y404) ready 2021
OK1 M145a ready 2021
OK1 U229a ready 
OK1 U307 ready 2021
OK1 U501b ready 2022
OK1 U504 ready 2022
OK1 U516 ready 2022
OK1 Riihi (Y225a) ready 2021
OK1 Y502 2022
OK1 U229b ready 2022
OK1 U308 ready 2021
OK1 U502a ready 2022
OK1 U513 ready 2022
OK1 Top Lounge (U523) ready 2021
OK1 Mylly (Y227)  ready 2021
OK1 Hohto (Y323a)  ready 2021
OK1 H2 (K102) ready 2021
OK1 Kappa (M222) ready 2021
OK1 U215 ready 2022
OK1 U302 ready 2021
OK1 U401b ready 2021
OK1 U502b ready 2022
OK1 U514 ready 2022
OK1 Y309a ready 2021
OK3  F154a 2022
OK3 F254 ready
OK3 F255 ready
OK3 F257 ready
Kone 1 101 ready 2021
Kone 1 401 ready 2022
Nano 204 ready 2022
Kemian tekniikka A303 ready 2021
Kemian tekniikka C330b ready 
Kemian tekniikka D248b ready 
Kemian tekniikka D301 ready 
Kemian tekniikka D301b ready 
Kemian tekniikka D301d ready 
Kemian tekniikka D301e ready 
Kemian tekniikka D306 ready 
Puunjalostustekniikka Halko ready 2021
Puunjalostustekniikka Lastu ready
Oppimiskeskus Ilmari (106) ready 2022
Oppimiskeskus Aslak (214)  ready 2022
Oppimiskeskus Arttu (107) ready 2022
Oppimiskeskus Onni (221)  ready 2022
Oppimiskeskus Jaakko (108) ready 2022
Oppimiskeskus Johanna (113) ready 2022
Oppimiskeskus Dora (109) ready 2022
Oppimiskeskus Annikki (127) ready 2022
Oppimiskeskus Gustaf (229) ready 2022
Dipoli Brummer (1.126)  ready
Dipoli Honko (1.183) ready
Dipoli Brander (2.061) ready
Dipoli Järvinen (0.044)  ready
Dipoli Valsta (1.154)  ready
Dipoli Saelan (2.008) ready
Dipoli Jalanne (2.062) ready
Dipoli Poli (1.073) ready
Dipoli Komppa (2.048) ready 2022
Dipoli Wirkkala (1.163) ready 2022
Dipoli Hauke (2.060) ready
Computer science building A106 Puunjalostustekniikka
Computer science building A346 Puunjalostustekniikka
Computer science building Pumpkin (C133)  ready
Computer science building A142 ready
Computer science building B121 ready
Computer science building Learning Hub Greenhouse (C130a) ready
Computer science building Tomato (C134) ready
Computer science building A211 2022
Computer science building B322 2022
Computer science building A237 2022
Computer science building B337 2022
Computer science building Basil (C132) ready
Vesitalo 286 ready
Vesitalo 247a ready
Maarintie 1592 ready
Maarintie 1593 ready
Maarintie 4126 ready
Maarintie 1st floor 10 rooms ready
Maarintie 2nd floor 6 rooms ready
Maarintie 3rd floor 7 rooms ready
    updated August 7th 2023


Maarintie = AV has been upgraded and ready for usage

2022 = Estimated time of AV upgrade. Note! Rooms can be utilized whilst they are waiting for the upgrade.

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