
Kalle Kataila

I’m involved in developing a solution that will help transform some teaching into a form more suitable for the video generation. A large part of basic teaching should, in my opinion, fit into a student’s pocket and be accessible 24/7.
Aalto-yliopisto, Otaniemi stories: Kalle Kataila, asiantuntija, videot ja media opetuksessa / Kuvaaja: Sinikoski

‘If I need to, say, fix my bicycle, I can find instructional videos on how to do so on the net. It’s pretty funny that university teaching still largely leans on the lecture-based model developed a thousand years ago in Bologna. At Aalto, I’m involved in developing a solution that will help transform some teaching into a form more suitable for the video generation. 

A large part of basic teaching should, in my opinion, fit into a student’s pocket and be accessible 24/7. This would also leave teachers with more time and resources for teaching scenarios in which encounters between different people and group dynamics support learning.’

Kalle Kataila, expert, video and media in teaching

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