
Henri Merilä

There really are a lot of different clubs related to hobbies in Otaniemi. For example, we have a very nice group of skiers called Skipoli. These things are a good counterbalance to the actual studying.
Aalto-yliopisto, Otaniemi stories: Henri Merilä, sähkötekniikan ja elektroniikan opiskelija / Kuvaaja: Sinikoski

‘There really are a lot of different clubs related to hobbies in Otaniemi. For example, we have a very nice group of skiers called Skipoli, which is organising a trip to the Alps for us in January. And in September, 40 of us went to surf to Peniche in Portugal. These things are a good counterbalance to the actual studying.’

Henri Merilä, student of electrical engineering and electronics

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