
Eelis Rytkönen & Lauri Kaunisvirta

We are taking a development walk to conceptualise and design a project. We will transform traditional higher education spaces to support the most significant start-up buzz in Eurasia, together with Aalto University.
Aalto-yliopisto, Otaniemi stories: Eelis Rytkönen, Verstaiteilija, Fira Oy Lauri Kaunisvirta, Verstas-tirehtööri, Fira Oy / Kuvaaja: Sinikoski

‘We are taking a development walk to conceptualise and design a project. Everyone interested gets to participate in developing it, for example at a squatting party which will be held here in Otaniemi this autumn. By autumn 2017, we will transform traditional higher education spaces to support the most significant start-up buzz in Eurasia, together with Aalto University.’

Eelis Rytkönen, Verstaiteilija, Fira Oy
Lauri Kaunisvirta, Verstas ringmaster, Fira Oy

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