
Access control work instructions: tenants

Work instructions for access token management for tenants: tenants, coworking customers and infra users. Printable work instructions at the end of the page.
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1  The new process and the role of the tenant superuser

When moving to the new process or as a new tenant comes in, ACRE will input the necessary information of the company into their system, from which the information will be moved to other systems including the ACRE Extranet, where the data will be visible to tenants. Access rights will be defined for each company, and superusers created. 

From now on the superuser of the tenant company will be responsible of keeping the list of employees up to date in the Extranet. The superuser will create any new employees, add access tokens and PIN codes to them when necessary, and make sure their accounts are deactivated when their contract is terminated. Terminating their accounts will also terminate their access rights.

The superuser of the tenant company is responsible of keeping the personnel listing in the Extranet up to date

  • Add new employees
  • Update information for existing employees as necessary
  • Delete person with terminated contracts
  • Maintain access token information

Guide and assist other users on the use of the Extranet and how the update token information. (if the company decides to let each employee maintain their own tokens in the Extranet)

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2  Signing into ACRE Extranet

Once you have been added to your tenant company group as an employee, you will receive an email notification about your user account. The email will contain a link the sign in page, where you can set your password. If later you forget your password, you can reset it from the sign in page.

On the front page of ACRE Extranet, you can find news, instructions and useful links. From these links you will be able to among others reserve meeting rooms, create maintenance requests, orders physical keys and as the superuser manage the employee listing and their access tokens.

3  Creating a new employee user

New employees can be added to the tenant group by ACRE or the superuser of the tenant. When a new company comes in ACRE will create the company and its users, and the superuser will then maintain this list by adding newcomers and deactivating persons that leave. Employees will automatically inherit the access rights set on the company level.

  • Sign into ACRE Extranet (
  • There will be a link on the front page to access the employee listing. It can also be found from the menu button in the upper right-hand corner of the front page, under Tools
  • Click on the “Add person” button above the employee list
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Kulunhallinta: vuokralaiset
  • Fill in the details for the employee: name, phone number, e-mail, and the start and end date of the contract. The end date can be set to max 1month ahead, or as valid until further notice. You can edit the validity dates within the timeframe set for yur lease agreement.
  • Note: the Extranet account and access rights are valid for the time set here, so it is extremely important that the dates are correct and kept up to date!
  • When you save the information by clicking on the “Save” button, the system will automatically send the person an email notification on the newly created account, containing a link to set the password.

4  Adding an access token and PIN code to an employee

Access token and PIN code can be added in several ways

  1. If ACRE creates the users for a new tenant, ACRE can also add the access tokens and PIN code to the persons, and deliver them to the superuser.
  2. The superuser can create the employee and at the same time also add the access token number and PIN code. In this case the superuser needs to get empty access tokens from the lobby services.
  3. The employee can add their own access token information and PIN code, once the superuser has first created the employee record. In this case the employee needs to fetch an empty token from lobby services (be prepared to prove your identity) and register the access token in ACRE Extranet. The access token will not work unless it has been registered in ACRE Extranet.

As the superuser, you can add the access token and PIN code to the person while you are creating the employee record, or edit a record created earlier by clicking on the “Edit” button in the listing.

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Kulunhallinta: vuokralaiset
  • Main – add number engraved on the access token
  • Define or generate PIN code. PIN code is needed with the token when accessing facilities during the nights and weekends.
  • NOTE: the validity dates need to be correct, the start and end date from the contract of employment. Only during this time will the account and access right be valid
  • Remember to save by clicking on the “Save” button!

5  Editing employee and access token information

As the superuser, you can update the data for the employees using the employee list

  • Open the employee list in ACRE Extranet
  • Open the employee record you want to edit by clicking on the “Edit” button at the end on the row
  • You can edit the details of the employee; name, validity according to the employment agreement, access token number and PIN code
    • If you need to make changes to the phone number or email, please contact ACRE ([email protected])
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6  Terminating the access right

Once the validity of the employment (as set in the employee record) ends, the access right is terminated. It is the responsibility of the superuser to keep the dates correct in ACRE Extranet, so that the person will not be able to access the Extranet or any premises once their employment has ended.

If you think that the person might be reinstated (return to work later) it is enough to update the validity and remove the token information from the person. This way the validity and token information can be updated once the person returns. If you remove the employee by clicking on “Delete”, the data will be archived, and to reactivate it, please contact ACRE. You cannot create a new employee using an email or phone number that has already been registered to someone.

The user must remember to return the token to the lobby services/superuser. When the lease agreement of a tenant ends, ACRE will remind the superuser of returning all the access tokens. The superuser will remind the individual employees to return their tokens.

Kulunhallinta: vuokralaiset

7  Forgotten or lost tokens

If a person forgets his token, or loses it, they can get a new one from the lobby services or from the superuser. Identity must be proven when getting a new token. The superuser must keep record of tokens borrowed, to be able to remind these persons to return the borrowed tokens. Also the lobby services keep record of the tokens they lend out.

The borrowed token needs to be registered in the ACRE Extranet by the superuser or the person himself. Mark the number of the token in the “Main” field. Without the registration the token will not open any doors.

If the token is lost or stolen, remember to remove the token from the person, so it can no longer be used to access the premises.

Remember to return any borrowed tokens!

Find out more about the functionalities on the ACRE Extranet in the quick guide. 

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