Advancing entrepreneurship and innovations

Pravin Luthada

To make composites manufacturing more accessible, Addcomposites has found a way to fully automate the process for small objects. Our technology is already patented, and we are currently testing the solution in real-life cases.
Aalto-yliopisto, Otaniemi stories: Pravin Luthada, Aalto-yliopiston alumni, Projektipäällikkö, Addcomposites / kuvaaja: Sinikoski

‘Composite materials bring together lighter, stronger and smarter capabilities. Large-scale carbon fibre objects that are used in the automotive or aeroplane industries can be manufactured automatically, but smaller objects are usually still manufactured by hand. Manual manufacturing is time consuming and requires qualified workers. To make composites manufacturing more accessible, Addcomposites has found a way to fully automate the process. Our technology is already patented, and we are currently testing the solution in real-life cases.’

Pravin Luthada, Aalto University alumnus, Project Manager at Addcomposites

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