Aalto Science Institute (AScI)

Visiting Scientist Programmes

AScI manages the application processes of three active funding instruments to bring international academics to Aalto School of Science: the Visiting Professor programme (on behalf of the Dean of the School of Science), the AScI Visiting Researcher programme, and the AScI Visiting Doctoral Reseacher programme.

Brief description of the Visiting Scientist funding instruments.



Visit time


Career stage

Funding source

Visiting Professor

End of months: Feb, May, Aug, Nov 

1 to 12 months

(*) Travel, accommodation, living costs, and salary 


SCI and its departments

Visiting Researcher

End of each month except June and July 

1 to 4 weeks

Travel and accommodation

Postdoctoral fellows and above


Visiting Doctoral Researcher End of each month except June and July  1 week to 2 months Travel and accommodation Doctoral researchers (= PhD students)  AScI (SCI)
  • Aalto Science Institute supports the principles of equal opportunity and affirmative action. Qualified candidates from all backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
  • Housing options related to Aalto University can be found from the Unihome webpage. Reduced Aalto rates are listed on the application form. Update 10.2024 - with Aalto Inn now closed Noli is a good option.
  • (*) Taxation and other rules governing payments are subject to change and can depend on the visitor's situation. Usually only a subset of the listed items apply in each case.  Please discuss with your departmental HR before making promises to visitors.

Visitor programme details

Visiting Professor Programme – School of Science
AScI forms

Contact us 

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