Aalto Science Institute (AScI)

Visiting Scientist Programmes

AScI manages the application processes of three active funding instruments to bring international academics to Aalto School of Science: the Visiting Professor programme (on behalf of the Dean of the School of Science), the AScI Visiting Researcher programme, and the AScI Visiting Doctoral Reseacher programme.
  • Warning (11.9.2024)

    Due to budget contraints AScI is unable to fund any more visits that occur in 2024. You may apply for 2025 visits any time.

Brief description of the Visiting Scientist funding instruments.


Visit time


Career stage

Funding source

Visiting Professor

1 to 12 months

(*) Travel, accommodation, living costs, and salary 


School of Science and its Departments

Visiting Researcher

1 to 4 weeks

Travel and accommodation

Postdoctoral fellows and above

Aalto Science Institute (School of Science)

Visiting Doctoral Researcher 1 week to 2 months Travel and accommodation Doctoral researchers (= PhD students)  Aalto Science Institute (School of Science)
  • Aalto Science Institute supports the principles of equal opportunity and affirmative action. Qualified candidates from all backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
  • Housing options related to Aalto University can be found from the Unihome webpage. Reduced Aalto rates are listed on the application form. 
  • (*) Taxation and other rules governing payments are subject to change and can depend on the visitor's situation. Usually only a subset of the listed items apply in each case.  Please discuss with your departmental HR before making promises to visitors.

Visiting Professor

Visiting Professor programme supports collaborative research visits to the research groups of the School of Science of duration of one (minimum) to twelve months. In this programme the Visiting Professor is co-funded by School of Science Dean's visitors' programme (60%) and the School of Science hosting department (40%) giving support and covering for the Visiting Professor’s allowance (*) for travel, accommodation, daily expenses,  and salary (taxable income). A Visiting Professor’s position in the home institution must be at the professorial level. The call is continuous. Decisions are announced four times a year.

The host of the visit (a SCI professor) should fill in the application form in collaboration with the department's HR coordinator. For the application form and more information, see the link below.

Visiting Professor Programme – School of Science

Visiting Researcher

The AScI Visiting Researcher programme supports visits of one to four weeks by international visitors to Aalto SCI for scientific collaborations. Academic career levels from postdoctoral fellows and above are supported. Academic excellence of the visitor and the quality of the work plan will be the deciding factors. The funding decisions are made once a month (except in June & July) by the AScI director and the Chair of the AScI Steering Group. The programme offers support towards accommodation and travel.

Application form can be found from Aalto University Intranet: AScI forms

Visiting Doctoral Researcher

The AScI Visiting Doctoral Researcher programme supports visits of up to 2 months by international visitors to Aalto SCI for scientific collaborations. The applicant should be a current doctoral student. Academic excellence of the visitor, the quality of the work plan, and the importance of the visit to the academic development of the doctoral student will be the deciding factors. The funding decisions are made once a month (except in June & July) by the AScI director and the Chair of the AScI Steering Group. The programme offers support towards accommodation and travel costs.

Application form can be found from Aalto University Intranet: AScI forms

AScI forms
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