Aalto Media Lab

Visiting lecturers

Several courses in Sound in New Media master's programme are taught by visiting lecturers.
Picture of Andy Farnell
Andy Farnell

Andy Farnell

Procedural Audio

Dr. Andy Farnell is a British computer scientist and electronics engineer who established the field of Procedural Audio. He authored the influential MIT textbook 'Designing Sound', described as the bible of computational sound design. Andy's role as a systems and signal processing specialist has involved work with prominent artists, directors and developers. His experise includes signal analysis, search and storage, hardware and software product design, and machine learning. As a visiting professor at many European Universities and consultant to new media technology companies, Andy is a well known teacher and mentor, a regular at Abbey Road Institute, Queen Mary University, SAE Institute, Edinburgh University, Southampton Solent, Helsinki Media Lab Aalto and is an active figure in the Pure Data community. More recently Dr. Farnell's work has involved analysis in cyber-security, cryptographic network overlays, proof of attribution in public blockchain ledgers and artistic influence projects for the British government. Andy remains a dedicated free software hacker and advocate of enabling tools and education for all. He is writing a new textbook on philosophy of human values in technology.

Photo of Derek Holzer. Photo by Ilkka Saastamoinen.
Derek Holzer. Photo by Ilkka Saastamoinen.

Derek Holzer

Experimental Sound Instruments

Derek Holzer (USA 1972) is a sound + light artist, teacher, instrument builder and independent researcher based in Helsinki & Berlin, whose current interests include DIY audiovisual electronics, the relationship between sound and space, media archaeology, and participatory art forms. He has performed live, taught workshops and created scores of unique instruments and installations since 2002 across Europe, North and South America, and New Zealand.

In 2014 he received a working grant from the Foundation of Lower Saxony at the Edith-Russ-Haus for Media Art in Oldenburg, Germany.


Photo of Daniel Hug
Daniel Hug

Daniel Hug

Sound Design for Interactive Commodities

Since the late nineties, Daniel Hug is exploring sound and interaction design through art and design projects, theoretical inquiry and applied research, and received his doctorate in this field in 2017 from the University of the Arts and Industrial Design Linz. From 2005 to 2018 he was teaching sound studies and sound design for interactive media and games at the interaction and game design departments of the Zurich University of the Arts, Switzerland. Since 2018 he is co-head of the Sound Design Master and lecturer at the department of music of Zurich University of the Arts. Furthermore, Daniel Hug is lecturer and researcher at the chair for Music Education at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland with a focus on interaction design and design based research, and visiting lecturer for interaction and game sound at various universities in Switzerland and abroad. As founder of the sound design and consulting company “Hear Me Interact!” and as member of the steering committee of the conference “Audio Mostly - Conference on Interaction with Sound” and the ABA International Sound Awards jury, his aim is to contribute to the investigation and creation of the “sounds of tomorrow”.

Photo of Paul Weir
Paul Weir

Paul Weir

Game Audio Workshop

Paul Weir is a composer, sound designer and audio director known for his work in games, generative audio, radio and audio books. His last released game project, No Man's Sky, sold millions of copies and was widely acclaimed for its innovative audio design. He has sound-tracked over forty games in a wide range of musical styles and through The Sound Agency, created award winning generative music sound installations for brands such as Harrods, Vienna Airport Aktia Bank and Kamppi Shopping Center.

He is the audio director for Microsoft’s Lift London studio, sound designing HoloLens augmented reality projects and works with the VR surgery training company, Fundamental VR. Paul also runs the radio and podcast production company Perfectly Normal Productions.


Other visiting lecturers:

Shinji Kanki, Experimental Music Workshop

Thor Magnusson, IXI Workshop

Enrike Hurtado, IXI Workshop

Taina Riikonen, Gender Issues in Sound Studies

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