Research supported by the Living+ Platform

Supporting new cross-disciplinary research initiatives in the area of human-centered living environments is one of the Living+ Platform’s most crucial tasks.
In practice, the research support carried out by the Living+ becomes visible for example by facilitating cross-disciplinary networks of researchers.

In practice, the research support carried out by the Living+ becomes visible for example by facilitating cross-disciplinary networks of researchers. Previously, the platform has also provided internal seed funding for multidisciplinary research openings across different schools of Aalto University. In addition, Living+ Platform is involved in both national and international multidisciplinary research projects. 

By organizing various events such as educational lectures, seminars and thematic meetings and by providing a meeting place (Living+ Hub), the platform offers people from academia, public sector and private companies the possibility to come together, network and initiate collaboration.


In order to achieve human-oriented, livable and sustainable built environments, reinforcing and combining new ways of collaboration with the use of digital tools in the planning processes play a central role. Both of these methods will also help create environments that are more representative of the various user groups and their needs. Therefore, the goal of Living+ Platform and their supported research projects is to co-develop more collaborative and innovative practices related to living environments together with the industry and the public sector.

Current focus areas

The Living+ Platform aims to cover research that is essential for understanding and creating more human-centered living environments. Some of the platform’s current focus areas within this broader theme include:

  • Human-centered design and planning
    Research on methods and tools by which to design living environments that prioritize people, their needs and experiences, and to provide new, efficient ways to engage residents in the planning processes.  
  • Urban planning and development
    Expanding our understanding of the past and current trends in urban development and what they mean for the human-centered approach, and learning how to create human-friendly urban environments.  
  • Inclusive environments
    Research on living environments that cater to various user groups and are accessible and welcoming to everybody regardless of their physical, cultural or economic disposition. Inclusiveness starts already from the planning process by pursuing to engage people from diverse user groups as comprehensively as possible.
  • Smart mobility
    which refers to the research on more intelligent and more flexible transport systems that consider people’s changing lifestyles, individual needs and the unique features of local environments. 

The platform is also involved in research topics such as:

Urban studies

Collaborative processes

Digital tools in planning

Computational methods for the built environment

Seed Funding

Previously, the Living+ Platform has been one of the several bodies within Aalto University recommending annual internal seed funding for collaborative projects such as internal mobility, novel research or research planning.

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