Funding available for researchers and artists: Deliver your message with high-quality media!

Aalto Digi Platform opens a call for grants of up to 5.000 euros to promote research and arts in digital transformation and technologies.
Aalto University logo light.

Aalto Digi Platform opens a call for grants of up to 5.000 euros to support research and art communication related material creation (visuals, audio, training) to popularize and create scientific impact to digital transformation and technologies.

The process is problem-driven: tell us about your research topic and we will help you find the right medium, the right format, as well as offer coordination and expert advice on the production. When required, this includes using professional help for e.g. recording videos and creating impactful setups.

Your finalized product can be, for example,

  • Illustrations, data visualization
  • Videos
  • Podcasts
  • Research group communications planning
  • Feature articles or interactive data journalism pieces

Potential cases: Public communication of (soon to be) published research results, kicking off research projects, wrapping up research projects, funding proposals, student projects, looking for partners…

Eligible persons: All Aalto faculty, as well as doctoral students, undergraduates, and staff are free to apply. 

Eligible topics: Your project should be related to digital technologies or computer science, and ideally involve multiple disciplines.

Schedule: The call is continuous until 1.12.2020 or until the total pool of grants (est. for 10–20 projects) is used. Once you apply, a decision will be given within 14 days.

How it works

  1. Check your eligibility. Is your work related to digital technologies or computer science? Are you a member of the Aalto community?
  2. Be aware that commissioning will take some of your time! You’ll have our advice and support, but we need your input to create the best possible outcome.
  3. Fill in the form. You don’t have to exactly know what you’d like to do. However, it’s important to know
    • your topic,
    • who you’d like to reach (target audience), and
    • your schedule. 
  4. The call is continuously open, and we will get back to you with a decision within 14 days
  5. If you get a positive decision: Our advisors set up a meeting with you to prepare a request for quotation. Prepare to book 1 to 1.5 hours for this first planning meeting. 

Note that you have to sign in with your Aalto account in order to fill in the form. If you have any questions about the process, don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

Open call: Research & art communication support

AI puts precision back into medical treatment

Artificial intelligence could tap into the enormous volumes of data not only on our bodily systems and genetic heritage, but also on various pharmaceutical substances – and help physicians design our treatments individually.

Research article: Read more
Illustration of a group of people. Photographer: Jaakko Kahilaniemi.
Biotalous, kuva Safa Hovinen
Illustration by Safa Hovinen
Open call: Research & art communication support
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