Markku Maula

Markku Maula

T307 Dept. Industrial Engineering and Management

Markku Maula is Professor of Venture Capital and the Head of the Institute of Strategy and Venturing at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at Aalto University School of Science. He earned his PhD at Helsinki University of Technology in 2001 winning the Heizer Doctoral Dissertation Award in New Enterprise Development. He has been a visiting scholar at INSEAD and Stanford University and gained work experience in companies including CapMan and Nokia.

Markku’s research focuses on venture capital and private equity, corporate venturing, mergers and acquisitions, and technology-based new firms, and more generally, on the intersection of strategy, entrepreneurship, international business, innovation, and corporate finance. His research often builds on and contributes to the behavioral theory of the firm, attention-based view, and/or institutional theory and is frequently based on quantitative empirical research applying novel methods in large datasets.

Markku has published his research in leading peer-reviewed journals including Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Research Policy, and MIS Quarterly, among others. He has also received several international awards for outstanding scholarship.

Markku is Senior Editor of Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice and serves on the Editorial Boards of Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, and Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance. He was the Founding Director of Aalto Ventures Program, has served in many scientific committees and organizations such as the Research Committee of the Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management, and has also acted as an advisor to many firms and government agencies in issues related to his areas of expertise.

Full researcher profile


Venture capital and private equity, Cross-border venture capital, Corporate venturing, Mergers and acquisitions


Booz Allen & Hamilton / Strategic Management Society PhD Fellowship

Best PhD paper award for a paper co-authored with Gordon Murray at the 20th Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Society, Vancouver
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Jan 2000

Knight, First Class, of the Order of the White Rose of Finland

The decorations of the Orders of the White Rose of Finland are conferred upon citizens who have distinguished themselves in the service of Finland.
Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Jan 2021

Citation of Excellence Award

Citation of Excellence Award by Emerald Group Publishing Limited for an article (co-authored with Juha Uotila, Thomas Keil and Shaker A. Zahra) chosen as one of the top 50 articles with proven impact since its publication date from the top 300 management journals in the world.
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Jan 2013

The Stevens Institute of Technology Wesley J. Howe for Exellence in Research on the Topic of Corporate Entrepreneurship

Best corporate entrepreneurship paper award for a paper co-authored with Thomas Keil and Henri Schildt at the Babson College - Kauffman Foundation Entrepreneurship Research Conference, United States
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Jan 2003

Strategic Management Society Best Conference Paper Prize Honorable Mention

For a paper co-authored with Thomas Keil and Henri Schildt at the 30th Annual International Conference of Strategic Management Society, United States
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Jan 2010

McKinsey & Company Strategic Management Society Best Conference Paper Prize Honorable Mention 

A paper co-authored with Gordon Murray, the 20th Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Vancouver
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Jan 2000

The Haynes Prize for Best Paper Award

Best paper award for a paper co-authored with Markus M. Mäkelä, Academy of International Business, United States
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Jan 2004

The Heizer Doctoral Dissertation Award for Outstanding Research in New Enterprise Development

Best doctoral dissertation award, Entrepreneurship Division, Academy of Management, United States
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Jan 2002


Cross-Border Venture Capital Investments

Markku Maula, David Wunder 2024 The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Private Equity

Crafting and Assessing Design Science Research for Entrepreneurship

Dimo Dimov, Markku Maula, A. Georges L. Romme 2023 Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice

Suomen Teollisuussijoitus Oy:n (Tesi) arviointi

Kimmo Halme, Markku Maula, Gordon Murray, Vesa Salminen, Anne-Mari Järvelin, Heidi Uitto, Elisabeth Zaparucha, Heike Nachtigali, Teresa Moreno Martos 2023

Temporal Dynamics in Acquisition Behavior: The Effects of Activity Load on Strategic Momentum

Thomas Keil, Yuval Deutsch, Tomi Laamanen, Markku Maula 2023 Journal of Management Studies

Organizational Experience and Performance: A Systematic Review and Contingency Framework

Markku Maula, Koenraad Heimeriks, Thomas Keil 2023 Academy of Management Annals

Progress toward understanding tensions in corporate venture capital: A systematic review

Euiju Jeon, Markku Maula 2022 Journal of Business Venturing

Attention across borders: Investor attention as a driver of cross-border equity crowdfunding investments

Markku V. J. Maula, Anna Lukkarinen 2022 Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal

Making a contribution to entrepreneurship research by studying crowd-funded entrepreneurial opportunities

Jeffrey M. Pollack, Markku Maula, Thomas H. Allison, Maija Renko, Christina C. Günther 2021 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

Enhancing rigor in quantitative entrepreneurship research

Markku Maula, Wouter Stam 2020 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

The role of cognitive load in effective strategic issue management

Tomi Laamanen, Markku Maula, Markus Kajanto, Peter Kunnas 2018 Long Range Planning

CEO Entrepreneurial Orientation, Entrenchment, and Firm Value Creation

Thomas Keil, Markku Maula, Evangelos Syrigos 2017 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

Venturing into the unknown with strangers

Miguel Meuleman, Mikko Jääskeläinen, Markku V J Maula, Mike Wright 2017 Journal of Business Venturing

Supply-Side Network Effects and the Development of Information Technology Standards

Juha Uotila, Thomas Keil, Markku Maula 2017 MIS Quarterly

Emergence of Industries

Robin Gustafsson, Mikko Jääskeläinen, Markku Maula, Juha Uotila 2016 International Journal of Management Reviews

Explorative and exploitative learning from corporate venture capital: A model of program-level determinants

Thomas Keil, Shaker.A. Zahra, Markku Maula 2016 Handbook of research on corporate entrepreneurship

Local Partnering in Foreign Ventures

Yu Liu, Markku Maula 2016 Academy of Management Journal

Drivers of holding period firm-level returns in private equity-backed buyouts

Petri Valkama, Markku. Maula, Erkki Nikoskelainen, Mike Wright 2013 Journal of Banking and Finance

The temporal effects of relative and firm-level absorptive capacity on interorganizational learning

Henri Schildt, Thomas Keil, Markku Maula 2012 Strategic Management Journal

Unique Resources of Corporate Venture Capitalists as a Key to Entry into Rigid Venture Capital Syndication Networks

Thomas Keil, Markku Maula, Cameron Wilson 2010 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

Cross-Border Venture Capital and Private Equity

Markku Maula 2010 Venture Capital: Investment Strategies, Structures, and Policies

Transferability of the venture capital model to the corporate context: Implications for the performance of corporate venture units

Susan A. Hill, Markku V.J. Maula, Julian M. Birkinshaw 2009 Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal

Corporate venture capital and the balance of risks and rewards for portfolio companies

Markku V.J. Maula, Erkko Autio, Gordon C. Murray 2009 Journal of Business Venturing

Exploration, exploitation, and financial performance: analysis of S&P 500 corporations

Juha Uotila, Markku Maula, Thomas Keil, Shaker A. Zahra 2009 Strategic Management Journal

Evaluation of the Finnish National Innovation System

Reinhilde Veugelers, Karl Aiginger, Dan Breznitz, Charles Edquist, Gordon Murray, Gianmarco I.P. Ottaviano, Ari Hyytinen, Aki Kangasharju, Mikko Ketokivi, Terttu Luukkonen, Mika Maliranta, Markku Maula, Paavo Okko, Petri Rouvinen, Markku Sotarauta, Tanja Tanayama, Otto Toivanen, Pekka Ylä-Anttila 2009

Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2009: Proceedings of the Twenty-ninth Annual Entrepreneurship Conference

Andrew Zacharakis, Sharon Alvarez, Melissa S. Cardon, Julio O. De Castro, Frédéric Delmar, Evan Douglas, Donna Kelley, Jill Kickul, Hans Landström, Tom Lumpkin, Lou Marino, Markku Maula 2009

The effect of governance modes and relatedness of external business development activities on innovative performance

Thomas Keil, Markku Maula, Henri Schildt, Shaker A. Zahra 2008 Strategic Management Journal

Attracting cross-border venture capital: the role of a local investor

Markus M. Mäkela, Markku V.J. Maula 2008 Entrepreneurship and Regional Development

Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2008: Proceedings of the Twenty-eighth Annual Entrepreneurship Conference

Andrew Zacharakis, Sharon Alvarez, Melissa S. Cardon, Julio O. De Castro, Evan Douglas, Gerard George, Donald F. Kuratko, Hans Landström, Markku Maula, Maria Minniti, Saras D. Sarasvathy, Albert H. Segars, Paul Westhead, Shaker A. Zahra 2008

Profit distribution and compensation structures in publicly and privately funded hybrid venture capital funds

Mikko Jääskeläinen, Markku Maula, Gordon Murray 2007 Research Policy

Corporate venture capital as a strategic tool for corporations

Markku V.J. Maula 2007 Handbook of Research on Venture Capital

Public Financing of Young Innovative Companies in Finland

Markku Maula, Gordon Murray, Mikko Jääskeläinen 2007

Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2007: Proceedings of the Twenty-seventh Annual Entrepreneurship Conference

Andrew Zacharakis, Sharon Alvarez, Per Davidsson, James Fiet, Gerard George, Donald F. Kuratko, Colin Mason, Markku Maula, Maria Minniti, Saras D. Sarasvathy, Dean A. Shepherd, Paul Westhead, Johan Wiklund, Mike Wright, Shaker A. Zahra 2007

Allocation of attention to portfolio companies and the performance of venture capital firms

Mikko Jääskeläinen, Markku Maula, Tuukka Seppä 2006 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

Open innovation in systemic innovation contexts

Markku V.J. Maula, Thomas Keil, Jukka-Pekka Salmenkaita 2006 Open Innovation: Researching a New Paradigm

Risk capital for growing world-class companies: challenges for European policy

Markku Maula, Gordon C. Murray 2006 Globalisation challenges for Europe.Report by the Secretariat of the Economic Council - Part I

Riskipääomaa maailmanluokan yritysten kasvattamiseen: Eurooppalaisen politiikan haasteet

Markku V.J. Maula, Gordon Murray 2006 Globalisaation haasteet Euroopalle.Talousneuvoston sihteeristön globalisaatioselvitys.Osa 1

The Prospects for Successful Early-Stage Venture Capital in Finland

Markku V.J. Maula, Janna Ahlström, Kimmo Haahkola, Mauri Heikintalo, Tom S. Lindström, Heikki Ojanperä, Ari T.P. Tiainen 2006

Interorganizational commitment in syndicated cross-border venture capital investments

Markus M. Mäkelä, Markku V.J. Maula 2006 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

Corporate venture capitalists and independent venture capitalists: What do they know , who do they know and what should entrepreneurs care?

Markku Maula, Erkko Autio, Gordon Murray 2005 Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance

What drives micro-angel investment

Markku V.J. Maula, Erkko Autio, Pia Arenius 2005 Small Business Economics

Cross-border venture capital and new venture internationalization: An isomorphism perspective

Markus M. Mäkelä, Markku V.J. Maula 2005 Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance

New ventures' inward licensing: examining the effects of industry and strategy characteristics

S.A. Zahra, Thomas Keil, Markku M.V.J. Maula 2005 European Management Review

Cross-border venture capital

Markku Maula, Markus M. Mäkelä 2003 Financial Systems and Firm Performance: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives

Prerequisities for the creation of social capital and subsequent knowledge acquisition in corporate venture capital

Markku Maula, Erkko Autio, Gordon Murray 2003 Venture Capital: An International Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance