
Designs for a Cooler Planet – Helsinki Design Week 2019

Aalto-universitetet är värd för ett av Helsinki Design Weeks huvudevenemang på Otnäs campus i september. Designs for a Cooler Planet presenterar elva utställningar och mer än 40 mönster och presenterar tvärvetenskapliga forsknings- och samarbetsprojekt.
Designs for A Cooler Planet
Graphic design: Babi Brasileiro

Aalto-universitetet är värd för ett av Helsinki Design Weeks huvudevenemang på Otnäs campus i september. Designs for a Cooler Planet presenterar elva utställningar och mer än 40 mönster och presenterar tvärvetenskapliga forsknings- och samarbetsprojekt.

Take a look at Aalto University's HDW 2019 exhibitions at Campus

Nanocellulose bicycle Photo: Eeva Suorlahti

Designs for a Cooler Planet: Main exhibition, Dipoli Gallery

Designs for a Cooler Planet exhibition presents a wide selection of experimental, climate-friendly products and individual choices that you make today.

Nordic Rebels illustration by Parvati Pillai

Nordic Rebels: Goose bumpifying learning for societal agency

How might we create learning experiences to enable anyone to see what role they play in creating a more sustainable future for our societies and planet?

Archilux cruise ship concept. Illustration: Markus Ahonen

Archilux: A cruise ship for Finnish lakes, archipelago and coastal region

Archilux takes its guests on an adventure to the sensitive nature in Finland

Envisioning Malminkartano 2050. Photo: Andre Vicentini

Urban transitions for cooler futures: Imagining Malminkartano in 2050

Cities are critical intervention points when addressing climate change and there is an urgent need to transform both how we live in cities and how cities support our needs.

Circwood project

Circwood: Recirculating wood within the built environment

In Finland, more than one-third of construction and demolition waste is wood.

New Silk research project

New Silk - What can we learn from spiders?

How to produce new types of silk-like materials in the context of synthetic biology

Structural paper folding techniques by researcher Miia Palmu. Photo: Valeria Azovskaya

Envisioning the future of packaging

There is an urgent need for sustainable alternatives to oil-based packaging materials such as styrofoam.

Natural Indigo project, design by Arttu Åfield & Kirsi Niinimäki. Photo Eeva Suorlahti

Natural Indigo: New Luxury from Northern Fields

Crops4Luxury (PeltoLuksus) project studied special crops that could replace synthetic textile dyes sustainably and ethically

CHEMARTS Summer school 2019

Chemartsing with Bio-based Materials

CHEMARTS Summer School 2019 explored novel material solutions and their innovative applications

Traces from the Antropocene exhibition in Venice Biennale in 2019. Photo: Tzuyu Chen

Traces from the Anthropocene. Working with Soil.

A multidisciplinary research project that addresses the ecological consequences of the human footprint through ceramic art. The exhibition is a part of Venice Biennale during summer 2019.

Urban Facade. Design by Antti Mikola

Urban Façades

High-quality architecture is sustainable by nature. If thoughtfully designed and well maintained, it can last forever.

Designs for a Cooler Planet Pecha Kucha

PechaKucha Night 2019 at Aalto University

Designs for a Cooler Planet opening with Helsinki Design Week.

Narratiimi Walk photo by Cindy Kohtala

Otaniemi Walk 12.9.2019

Help cool down the planet with Narratiimi walking collective


I Finland är energiförbrukningsnivån för närvarande fyra gånger högre än vad som anses vara hållbart. För att nå en hållbar nivå måste vi göra väsentliga förändringar inom de kommande tio åren i hur vi rör oss, var vi bor och vad vi äter.

Aalto-gallerierna över Otnäs kommer att visa upp elva tvärvetenskapliga utställningar; från framtida hemvaror och ekologiska lyxtextilier till ett koldioxidfritt stadsdistrikt.

See the full programme of Helsinki Design Week 2019

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