
Professor Jyri Hämäläinen appointed vice dean

Professor Jyri Hämäläinen from the Department of Communications and Networking has been appointed as vice dean responsible for teaching.
Vice dean Jyri Hämäläinen.

He started his new work on 1 October 2014 and will hold the post until 31 July 2015.

Jyri Hämäläinen (born 1965) earned his Ph.D. degree in Applied Mathematics at the University of Oulu in 1998 and D.Sc. (Tech.) degree in Signal Processing for Communications at the Helsinki University of Technology in 2007. Dr. Hämäläinen has also teacher qualification in mathematics and physics (1999). Prior to joining Aalto University, Dr. Hämäläinen worked in the University of Oulu (1990-1999) and industry (1999-2007). In 2008 Dr. Hämäläinen was appointed to fixed-term Professor post at the Helsinki University of Technology and he was tenured at 2013.  

Hämäläinen is author or a co-author of 160 scientific publications and 35 US patents or patent applications. He is a Docent of Engineering Mathematics in University of Oulu (2006) and he has received Good Teacher Award (2009).  Hämäläinen’s research interests include the design and analysis of wireless networks.

Academic CV can be found from Aalto People (

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