
Aalto Alumni Impact

How do we reach the UN Sustainable Development Goals? Now you have a chance to create impact and to share your ideas with persons who have impact in the Finnish society and who will inspire you with their challenges 12 June at Aalto University Campus.
Aalto Alumni Impact banneri, kuvat:Unto Rautio ja Mikko Raskinen

Encompassing keynotes and hackathon-style group challenges, the Aalto Alumni Impact shall seek to create actionable initiatives for climate change and sustainable development.

Aalto University has committed as a first university in Finland to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, thus we’ll collect from the Finnish influencers challenges that multidiciplinary alumni groups will solve.

Draft programme

15:00 Key notes

  • Ilkka Niemelä, President, Aalto University
  • Krister Ahlström, vuorineuvos, Ikiteekkari, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture honorary doctor
  • Mikko Kosonen, President of Sitra and Chairman of Aalto University Board

16:00 Aalto Alumni Impact hackathon workshops

18:30 We get together at Alvarinaukio square to join the Graduation Party 2018-2019 with Boston Promenade Big Band and Alumni Lounge

The challenges will be given by the following influencers:

Mika Anttonen

Mika Anttonen and Annukka Santasalo-Aarnio

Chairman of the Board of Directors, St1 and
Assistant Professor of Energy Conversion and Storage, Aalto University

How could we utilize excess energy occasionally available from renewable energy so that it will not be wasted?

Pirjo Kääriäinen ja Jari Laine

Professori Pirjo Kääriäinen and Senior Innovation Advisor Jari Laine

Design driven fibre innovation and Ioncell research project, Aalto University

Develop innovative new business models for fashion business.

Marjo Miettinen kuva Ensto Oyj

Marjo Miettinen

Chair of the board of Directors, Ensto

Better life.
With Electricity.
For 1 billion people.

Jukka Mäkelä ja Tuula Antola Espoon kaupunki

Jukka Mäkelä and Tuula Antola

Mayor and Director of Economic and Business Development
City of Espoo

How to inspire all people in Espoo to join the Sustainability Develoment Goals online course? What else could the city of Espoo do to achieve these SDGs?

The challengers and Sustainability Development Goals are presented at the Aalto Alumni Impact Facebook event.

More information:
Susanna Ritala
Aalto University Alumni Team
[email protected]
050-547 2168

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