
Security – Procedures for emergencies and disruptions

On this page, instructions for exceptional situations and information about safety preparedness and contingency plans. AaltoAPUA helpline 050 46 46 462.

Read through these instructions so you know what to do and how to help in the event of an emergency or hazardous situation. It is always better to call the emergency number (112) if you suspect a hazard or emergency is at hand. Safety is everyone’s business!

When you notice an emergency situation, you should always first call 112, the phone number of the emergency response centre.

Emergency call

CALL 112

EXPLAIN who you are and what has happened, give the exact address and city. You will find your exact location (facility number) on the 'In case of emergency' signs located in the facilities.
ANSWER all questions addressed to you.
ACT according to the instructions you receive.
DO NOT HANG UP until you are given permission.
GUIDE the emergency personnel to the location.
CALL the emergency number again if the situation changes significantly.

If you notice something exceptional

AaltoAPUA 050 46 46 462

You can call the AaltoAPUA helpline 050 46 46 462 whenever in need of assistance. You can also call from abroad, in which case the number is +358 50 46 46 462.

The AaltoAPUA helpline is open 24/7 all year round and provides assistance in Finnish and in English.

The helpline will pass on your request for assistance to the correct people or organisation: the university service unit in question, property maintenance company, guards, etc.

When calling the helpline, please

  • state your name
  • give your location
  • give your unit’s or your supervisor’s name
  • give a clear explanation of why you are calling
  • do not hang up the call until you are directed to do so.

The helpline is not a replacement for Finland’s national emergency number, 112. In emergency situations that require immediate attention (fire, sudden bouts of illness, etc.) the fastest way to get help is still to contact the national emergency number.

Rescue plans

Aalto University has in place an electronic rescue plan for each property (PELSU). The plan also includes the properties in which Aalto University is the main tenant.


Signs located in the facilities guide how to act in case of an emergency. On the sign, you can find the number of the room or space in question.

Defibrilaattorit kampuksella
Defibrillators on campus

Defibrillator (defi)

A defibrillator (defi) is a potentially life-saving device developed for victims of a cardiac arrest. 

There are defibrillators in different buildings at Aalto University. The nearest device in Finland can quickly located in an emergency situation by open online service

Incident procedures  

Here you can find instructions in case of a power outage, water distribution disturbance or exceptions in traffic arrangements.

Due to road maintenance work and other renovations that are unrelated to Aalto University’s operations, power outages and other disturbances in normal operations (such as interruptions in water supply) might occur in the Otaniemi area without any advance warning.  In case these disturbances do occur, we will provide information on them as soon as possible.

In the event of a power outage or other disturbance, it is important to remain calm.

Harald Herlin -oppimiskeskus

Service requests for property maintenance

The Granlund Manager software is used to manage property maintenance.

Aalto logo on the snow

Preparing for rolling blackouts at the Otaniemi campus

We aim to communicate about possible blackouts in advance


Contingency plan & safety preparedness

Summary of the contingency plan

Learn more about occupational safety, fire and rescue safety with the help of a virtual tour.

Occupational safety and fire safety - Virtual Tour

This service is provided by:

Aalto University Security and Lobby Services

Kampuksen turvallisuudesta vastaa Aalto-yliopiston turvallisuus- ja aulapalvelut yhteistyössä Aalto CRE:n kanssa.
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