
Aalto Studios - Equipment Takeout

Use our vast collection of equipment to capture light, sound and space.

We wanted to make our lendable Aalto Studios equipment easily available for any Aalto person to find and use. To do this, we built a service called Aalto Takeout for all Aalto people.

But we didn’t stop there.

Offices everywhere

We invited other units and departments to join in. New locations are now constantly being added, letting you find a growing number of gear, from all around Aalto, through one central online service.

We welcome new members and would love to give you a demo of how to use Aalto Takeout to run your equipment operations, including inventory data and usage statistics. We also happily discuss and implement changes to the software, as we continually develop it.

Suggest new equipment

Aalto Studios welcomes your ideas for new gear. Send your proposals to [email protected]

Join as a new equipment office

Let us give you a tour of how to run your operations using Aalto Takeout. The software has been built from the ground up by the Web Studio here at Aalto Studios. Contact them at [email protected]

Get Aalto Studios Equipment!

Head to and use your Aalto user account to get started.

Our equipment office staff

For any questions on Aalto Studios Equipment, get in touch directly

This service is provided by:

Aalto Studios

Did you find what you were looking for? If not, please contact us.
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