
Decarbonising Heat: Sustainable thermal solutions

This event will focus on a range of applications for sustainable heating, focusing on low temperature characteristics.  The concluding discussion of the event will consider how the solutions presented could be combined to meet future heating needs, with the context set by the recently launched Helsinki Energy Challenge for decarbonizing heat in Helsinki. We also intend that the event would provide an opportunity for audience participants to bring ideas for the challenge and to meet possible partners with whom to apply for the challenge.
Exergy in the built environment. Image by Masanori Shukuya
Exergy in the built environment. Image by Masanori Shukuya
12:30 Light lunch
13:00 Introduction & Welcome
Sam Cross & Yrjö Neuvo | Aalto Energy Platform
13:10 Seasonal thermal energy storage in Finland | pdf
Dr Janne Hirvonen | Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aalto University
13:35 Renewable Energy from Heat Pumps |pdf
Kristian Savela | CEO, St1 Lähienergia
14:00 Waste heat utilization in Espoo’s district heating network | pdf
Risto Larmio | Development Manager, Fortum Heating & Cooling
14:25 Discussion: What combination of technologies can make heating sustainable?  How could they play a role in meeting the Helsinki Energy Challenge?
Moderated by Prof Markku Virtanen | Professor of Practice, HVAC Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Aalto University
15:00 Close of event
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