Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation

QADeT (2021-2024)

Metrology Research Institute is involved in project QADeT - “Quantum sensors for metrology based on single-atom-like device technology” financed by the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR).

The overall objective of the project was to foster the development of Quantum Sensors (QS) for metrology based on single-atom-like device technology.

Aalto led the work package 4, Support for sensor production, modelling and traceability.

The aim of this work package was to develop reliable methods for the production and characterisation of single-atom-based sensor devices, including modelling their behaviour via tight-binding methods. This work package aimed to develop the infrastructure necessary to provide the traceability chain for the measurements performed by single-atom-based sensors.

Aalto has contributed to develop an optical detection system, based on calibrated silicon detectors that are suitable for the mesoscopic characterisation of the sensor that is based on ensembles of NV centres in diamond developed in the project. This system covers the spectral emission range of 600 nm to 900 nm and it is able to operate at 106 - 108 photons per second with noise equivalent power at about 1 fW/Hz1/2 and it has a 0.1 Hz measurement bandwidth.

Contact person: Farshid Manoocheri

Project website address:

Farshid Manoocheri

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