Institutionen för ledarskapsstudier


Enheten för entreprenörskap erbjuder en unik och handlingskraftig studiemiljö för magisterstuderande och ett högklassigt forskningsprogram som bidrar till utveckling på både vetenskapligt och politiskt plan.
Close-up on three students sitting on beanbags with their laptops

Vår forskning kan brett karaktäriseras som ansträngningen att förstå komplexiteten av entreprenörskap som ett mångfacetterat socioekonomiskt fenomen. Mycket av vår forskning är praktiskt betingad med relevans för den allmänna debatten.

Några av våra pågående forskningsprojekt innefattar:

  • företagsamhet och befolkningens åldrande
  • psykologiska processer under entreprenöriella handlingar
  • regionala och institutionella inbäddningar av företagsamhet
  • sociala och hållbara företagssatsningar
  • förtroende i små företags finansiella förhållanden

Social Impact and Outreach

Some of our research serves the sole purpose of advancing entrepreneurship theory. But much of what we do bears significant policy relevance. For this reason we continue to be active in the policy community, advising policy makers within and beyond the Finnish borders. We have completed consultancy assignments for example for ministries in Finland and Germany as well as the EU and the OECD.

Doctoral Studies in Entrepreneurship

Our unit provides an extensive four-year doctoral research training program focused on entrepreneurship. Our aim is to equip doctoral researchers with the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources to conduct impactful research. 


Doctoral Studies in Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is one of the twelve majors of the Doctoral Program in Business, Economics and Finance. The Entrepreneurship unit at Aalto BIZ provides an extensive four-year doctoral research training program focused on organizational communication. Our aim is to equip doctoral researchers with the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources to conduct impactful research. Our program fosters broader understanding of entrepreneurship as complex and diverse socio-economic phenomenon.

Department of Management Studies
Student guide illustration, doctoral programmes

Aalto Doctoral Programme in Business, Economics and Finance

Student study guide for the Aalto Doctoral Programme in Business, Economics and Finance


Who Are We?

Aalto people working. Photo: Unto Rautio

People in Entrepreneurship

Meet the professors, researchers, doctoral students and staff of Entrepreneurship.

Department of Management Studies

Recent publications

Do They Mind the Gap? : The Role of Founders in Organizational Pay Dispersion

Myrto Chliova, Gabriella Cacciotti, Teemu Kautonen 2024 Business and Society

Navigating Place : Extending Perspectives on Place in Organization Studies

Tina M. Dacin, Tammar Zilber, Mélodie Cartel, Ewald Kibler 2024 Organization Studies

Unpacking the relationship between sense of place and entrepreneurs’ well-being

Teemu Kautonen, Aracely Soto-Simeone, Ewald Kibler 2024 Small Business Economics

Aging and entrepreneurs' emotional exhaustion: The role of entrepreneurial strategy, psychological capital, and felt age gap

Ewald Kibler, Charlotta Sirén, Daniela Maresch, Virva Salmivaara, Matthias Fink 2024 Journal of Business Venturing

Place in Entrepreneurial Storytelling: A Study of Cultural Entrepreneurship in a Deprived Context

Jonathan Kimmitt, Ewald Kibler, Henri Schildt, Päivi Oinas 2024 Journal of Management Studies

How Founders Harness Tensions in Hybrid Venture Development

Pablo Muñoz, Steffen Farny, Ewald Kibler, Virva Salmivaara 2024 Business and Society

Unfolding dispositifs : Attempts at digital business education in North Korea

Thomas Wainwright, Ewald Kibler, Will Scott, Jukka-Pekka Heikkilä 2024 Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space

Liminality and developmental process of learning advantage of newness of early internationalizing firms

Emmanuel Kusi Appiah, Tamara Galkina, Peter Gabrielsson 2023 International Business Review

Media Review: Can elite-driven social change save the world?

Myrto Chliova 2023 Organization Studies
Mer information om vår forskning finns på Aaltos forskningsportal.


Kauppakorkeakoulu, jonka edustalla istuu neljä opiskelijaa. Kuva: Unto Rautio / Aalto-yliopisto


Ekonomplatsen 1



Prefekt: Professor Henri Schildt

Koordinator: Arne Kroeger

Sekreterare: Tiia Melander

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