Sari Kujala

Sari Kujala

Senior University Lecturer
Full researcher profile
Konemiehentie 2 02150 Espoo Finland


e-Health, Psychology, Human-computer interaction, Long-term user experience, User experince, User-centered design, requirements engineering, Accessibility


Candidate Solutions for Defining Explainability Requirements of AI Systems

Nagadivya Balasubramaniam, Marjo Kauppinen, Linh Truong, Sari Kujala 2024 Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality

Patient Input into the Electronic Health Record : Co-Designing Solutions with Patients and Healthcare Professionals

Anna Dudkina, Sari Kujala, Maria Hägglund, Anna Kharko, Bo Wang, Hedvig Soone, Peeter Ross 2024 Digital Health and Informatics Innovations for Sustainable Health Care Systems

Experiences from patients in mental healthcare accessing their electronic health records : results from a cross-national survey in Estonia, Finland, Norway, and Sweden

A. J. Fagerlund, Annika Bärkås, A. Kharko, C. R. Blease, J. Hagström, I. Huvila, I. Hörhammer, B. Kane, E. Kristiansen, S. Kujala, J. Moll, H. Rexhepi, I. Scandurra, S. Simola, H. Soone, B. Wang, R. M. Åhlfeldt, M. Hägglund, M. A. Johansen 2024 BMC Psychiatry

A Nordic Perspective on Patient Online Record Access and the European Health Data Space

Maria Hägglund, Anna Kharko, Annika Bärkås, Charlotte Blease, Åsa Cajander, Catherine DesRoches, Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund, Josefin Hagström, Isto Huvila, Iiris Hörhammer, Bridget Kane, Gunnar O. Klein, Eli Kristiansen, Jonas Moll, Irene Muli, Hanife Rexhepi, Sara Riggare, Peeter Ross, Isabella Scandurra, Saija Simola, Hedvig Soone, Bo Wang, Maedeh Ghorbanian Zolbin, Rose Mharie Åhlfeldt, Sari Kujala, Monika Alise Johansen 2024 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH

Benchmarking usability of patient portals in Estonia, Finland, Norway, and Sweden

Sari Kujala, Saija Simola, Bo Wang, Hedvig Soone, Josefin Hagström, Annika Bärkås, Iiris Hörhammer, Åsa Cajander, Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund, Bridget Kane, Anna Kharko, Eli Kristiansen, Jonas Moll, Hanife Rexphepi, Maria Hägglund, Monika Alise Johansen 2024 International Journal of Medical Informatics

Older Adults' Emotional User Experiences with Digital Health Services

Paula Valkonen, Sari Kujala 2024 Digital Health and Wireless Solutions - 1st Nordic Conference, NCDHWS 2024, Proceedings

Transparency and explainability of AI systems: From ethical guidelines to requirements

Nagadivya Balasubramaniam, Marjo Kauppinen, Antti Rannisto, Kari Hiekkanen, Sari Kujala 2023 Information and Software Technology

Errors, Omissions, and Offenses in the Health Record of Mental Health Care Patients : Results from a Nationwide Survey in Sweden

Annika Bärkås, Anna Kharko, Charlotte Blease, Åsa Cajander, Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund, Isto Huvila, Monika Alise Johansen, Bridget Kane, Sari Kujala, Jonas Moll, Hanife Rexhepi, Isabella Scandurra, Bo Wang, Maria Hägglund 2023 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH

The NORDeHEALTH 2022 Patient Survey : Cross-Sectional Study of National Patient Portal Users in Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Estonia

Maria Hägglund, Anna Kharko, Josefin Hagström, Annika Bärkås, Charlotte Blease, Åsa Cajander, Catherine DesRoches, Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund, Barbara Haage, Isto Huvila, Iiris Hörhammer, Bridget Kane, Gunnar O. Klein, Eli Kristiansen, Kerli Luks, Jonas Moll, Irene Muli, Eline Hovstad Raphaug, Hanife Rexhepi, Sara Riggare, Peeter Ross, Isabella Scandurra, Saija Simola, Hedvig Soone, Bo Wang, Maedeh Ghorbanian Zolbin, Rose Mharie Åhlfeldt, Sari Kujala, Monika Alise Johansen 2023 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH

Patients’ Experiences of a National Patient Portal and Its Usability : Cross-Sectional Survey Study

Saija Simola, Iiris Hörhammer, Yuhui Xu, Annika Bärkås, Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund, Josefin Hagström, Mari Holmroos, Maria Hägglund, Monika Alise Johansen, Bridget Kane, Anna Kharko, Isabella Scandurra, Sari Kujala 2023 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH

Health self-management of older employees : identifying critical peak experiences of a patient portal

Paula Valkonen, Sari Kujala, Iiris Hörhammer, Kaisa Savolainen, Riina-Riitta Helminen, Iina Vartia 2023 Finnish Journal of eHealth and eWelfare

User Experience Curves (UX Curves)

Julia Valle Noronha, Sari Kujala, Kirsi Niinimäki 2023 Opening up the Wardrobe : A Methods Book

Users' Experiences With Online Access to Electronic Health Records in Mental and Somatic Health Care

Bo Wang, Eli Kristiansen, Asbjørn Johansen Fagerlund, Paolo Zanaboni, Maria Hägglund, Annika Bärkås, Sari Kujala, Åsa Cajander, Charlotte Blease, Anna Kharko, Isto Huvila, Bridget Kane, Monika Alise Johansen 2023 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH

Transparency and Explainability of AI Systems: Ethical Guidelines in Practice

Nagadivya Balasubramaniam, Marjo Kauppinen, Kari Hiekkanen, Sari Kujala 2022 Requirements Engineering

Towards digital health equity - a qualitative study of the challenges experienced by vulnerable groups in using digital health services in the COVID-19 era

Anu Marja Kaihlanen, Lotta Virtanen, Ulla Buchert, Nuriiar Safarov, Paula Valkonen, Laura Hietapakka, Iiris Hörhammer, Sari Kujala, Anne Kouvonen, Tarja Heponiemi 2022 BMC Health Services Research

The Factors Associated With Nonuse of and Dissatisfaction With the National Patient Portal in Finland in the Era of COVID-19: Population-Based Cross-sectional Survey

Emma Kainiemi, Tuulikki Vehko, Maiju Kyytsönen, Iiris Hörhammer, Sari Kujala, Vesa Jormanainen, Tarja Heponiemi 2022 JMIR Medical Informatics

Health Care Professionals' Experiences of Web-Based Symptom Checkers for Triage


Patients' Experiences of Web-Based Access to Electronic Health Records in Finland

Sari Kujala, Iiris Horhammer, Akseli Vayrynen, Mari Holmroos, Mirva Nattiaho-Ronnholm, Maria Hagglund, Monika Alise Johansen 2022 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH

Patient Experience from an eHealth Perspective: A Scoping Review of Approaches and Recent Trends

Johanna Viitanen, Paula Valkonen, Kaisa Savolainen, Nina Karisalmi, Sini Hölsä, Sari Kujala 2022 Yearbook of Medical Informatics

Trustworthy AI Services in the Public Sector: What Are Citizens Saying About It?

Karolina Drobotowicz, Marjo Kauppinen, Sari Kujala 2021 Requirements Engineering

Electronic Health Record Implementations and Insufficient Training Endanger Nurses’ Well-being: Cross-sectional Survey Study

Tarja Heponiemi, Kia Gluschkoff, Tuulikki Vehko, Anu Marja Kaihlanen, Kaija Saranto, Sari Nissinen, Janna Nadav, Sari Kujala 2021 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH

Building primary health care personnel's support for a patient portal while alleviating eHealth-related stress

Iiris Hörhammer, Sari Kujala, Pirjo Hilama, Tarja Heponiemi 2021 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH

Haavoittuvat ryhmät etäpalvelujen käyttäjinä: kokemuksia COVID-19-epidemian ajalta

Anu Kaihlanen, Lotta Virtanen, Paula Valkonen, Juuso Kilpinen, Laura Hietapakka, Ulla Buchert, Iiris Hörhammer, Anna-Maria Isola, Elina Laukka, Anne Kouvonen, Sari Kujala, Tarja Heponiemi 2021

Star duodecim ehealth tool to recognize chronic disease risk factors and change unhealthy lifestyle choices among the long-term unemployed

Henna Kuhlberg, Sari Kujala, Iiris Hörhammer, Tuomas Koskela 2021 JMIR Research Protocols

Leaders’ support for using online symptom checkers in Finnish primary care: Survey study

Elina Laukka, Sari Kujala, Kia Gluschkoff, Outi Kanste, Iiris Hörhammer, Tarja Heponiemi 2021 Health Informatics Journal

How to Implement Digital Services in a Way That They Integrate Into Routine Work: Qualitative Interview Study Among Health and Social Care Professionals

Janna Nadav, Anu Marja Kaihlanen, Sari Kujala, Elina Laukka, Pirjo Hilama, Juha Koivisto, Ilmo Keskimäki, Tarja Heponiemi 2021 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH

Remote Interviews and Visual Timelines with Patients

Paula Valkonen, Nina Karisalmi, Johanna Kaipio, Sari Kujala 2021 Public Health and Informatics

Ethical Guidelines for Solving Ethical Issues and Developing AI Systems

Nagadivya Balasubramaniam, Marjo Kauppinen, Sari Kujala, Kari Hiekkanen 2020 Product-Focused Software Process Improvement

Applying and Extending the FITT Framework to Identify the Challenges and Opportunities of Successful eHealth Services for Patient Self-Management

Sari Kujala, Elske Ammenwerth, Heta Kolanen, Minna Ervast 2020 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH

Health professionals' experiences of the benefits and challenges of online symptom checkers

Sari Kujala, Iiris Hörhammer, Riitta Hänninen-Ervasti, Tarja Heponiemi 2020 Digital Personalized Health and Medicine - Proceedings of MIE 2020

Health care professionals' experiences of patient-professional communication over patient portals

Elina Laukka, Moona Huhtakangas, Tarja Heponiemi, Sari Kujala, Anu-Maria Kaihlanen, Kia Gluschkoff, Outi Kanste 2020 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH

Usability Factors associated with Physicians’ Distress and Information System Related Stress

Tarja Heponiemi, Sari Kujala, Suvi Vainiomäki, Tuulikki Vehko, Tinja Lääveri, Jukka Vänskä, Eeva Ketola, Sampsa Puttonen, Hannele Hyppönen 2019 JMIR Medical Informatics

Encouraging the Use of eHealth Services

Nina Karisalmi, Johanna Kaipio, Sari Kujala 2019 Improving Usability, Safety and Patient Outcomes with Health Information Technology

The Cross-Sequential Approach

Sari Kujala, Talya Miron-Shatz, Jussi J. Jokinen 2019 JOURNAL OF USABILITY STUDIES

The Role of Frontline Leaders in Building Health Professional Support for a New Patient Portal

Sari Kujala, Iiris Horhammer, Tarja Heponiemi, Kim Josefsson 2019 JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH

Experienced time pressure and stress

Tuulikki Vehko, Hannele Hyppönen, Sampsa Puttonen, Sari Kujala, Eeva Ketola, Johanna Tuukkanen, Anna Mari Aalto, Tarja Heponiemi 2019 BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making

Designing an e-learning application to facilitate health care professionals' cross-cultural communication

Nagadivya Balasubramaniam, Sari Kujala, Dicle Ayzit, Marjo Kauppinen, Tarja Heponiemi, Laura Hietapakka, Anu Kaihlanen 2018 Building Continents of Knowledge in Oceans of Data

Predictors of physicians’ stress related to information systems: A nine-year follow-up survey study

Tarja Heponiemi, Hannele Hyppönen, Sari Kujala, Anna-Mari Aalto, Tuulikki Vehko, Jukka Vänskä, Marko Elovainio 2018 BMC Health Services Research

Hoitohenkilökunnan rooli potilaiden motivoinnissa ja ohjaamisessa terveydenhuollon sähköisten palveluiden käyttöön

Nina Karisalmi, Johanna Kaipio, Sari Kujala 2018 Finnish Journal of eHealth and eWelfare

Health professionals’ expanding eHealth competences for supporting patients’ self-management

Sari Kujala, Elina Rajalahti, Tarja Heponiemi, Pirjo Hilama 2018 Building Continents of Knowledge in Oceans of Data

Health professionals’ expectations of a national patient portal for self-management

Sari Kujala, Iiris Hörhammer, Johanna Kaipio, Tarja Heponiemi 2018 International Journal of Medical Informatics

Johtamisen hyvät käytännöt sähköisten omahoitopalveluiden käyttöönotossa

Sari Kujala, Iiris Hörhammer, Minna Ervast, Heta Kolanen, Minna Rauhala 2018 Finnish Journal of eHealth and eWelfare

Development as a journey: factors supporting the adoption and use of software frameworks

Varvana Myllärniemi, Sari Kujala, Mikko Raatikainen, Piia Sevón 2018 Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development

Notes on wearer–worn attachments: Learning to wear

Julia Valle Noronha, Kirsi Niinimäki, Sari Kujala 2018 Clothing Cultures

Finnish physicians' stress related to information systems keeps increasing: a longitudinal three-wave survey study

Tarja Heponiemi, Hannele Hyppönen, Tuulikki Vehko, Sari Kujala, Anna-Mari Aalto, Jukka Vänskä, Marko Elovainio 2017 BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making

The role of expectations in service evaluation: A longitudinal study of a proximity mobile payment service

Sari Kujala, Ruth Mugge, Talya Miron-Shatz 2017 International Journal of Human-Computer Studies

User Experience Curves (UX Curves)

Julia Valle Noronha, Sari Kujala, Kirsi Niinimäki 2017 Opening up the Wardrobe : A Methods Book

A Use-Oriented Clothing Economy? Preliminary Affirmation for Sustainable Clothing Consumption Alternatives

Cosette M. Armstrong, Kirsi Niinimäki, Chunmin Lang, Sari Kujala 2016 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT

An Iterative Process to Connect Business and IT Development

Heli Hiisilä, Marjo Kauppinen, Sari Kujala 2016 IEEE Conference on Business Informatics

Exploring the role of ten universal values in using products and services

Timo Partala, Sari Kujala 2016 Interacting with Computers

Sustainable product-service systems for clothing: exploring consumer perceptions of consumption alternatives in Finland

Cosette Armstrong, Kirsi Niinimäki, Sari Kujala, Essi Karell, L. Chunmin 2015 Journal of Cleaner Production

Challenges of the Customer Organization's Requirements Engineering Process in the Outsourced Environment - A Case Study

Heli Hiisilä, Marjo Kauppinen, Sari Kujala 2015 21st International Working Conference (REFSQ), Essen, Germany, March 23-26, 2015

The evolving role of expectations in long-term user experience

Sari Kujala, Talya Miron-Shatz 2015 International Academic Mindtrek, Tampere, Finland, September 23-24, 2015

Customer preferences on e-stores' order-delivery service architecture: case China

Anu Bask, Merja Halme, Sari Kujala, Yiying Wu, Haian Xue 2014 26th Nordic Logistics Research Network Conference (NOFOMA), Copenhagen, Denmark, 11-13 June, 2014

Sentence completion for understanding users and evaluating user experience

Sari Kujala, Tanja Walsh, Piia Nurkka, Marian Crisan 2014 Interacting with Computers

Comparing the Effectiveness of Electronic Diary and UX Curve Methods in Multi-Component Product Study

Farrukh Sahar, Jari Varsaluoma, Sari Kujala 2014 International Academic MindTrek Conference, Tampere, Finland, November 4-6, 2014

Identifying the User Experience Factors of a Multi-Component Sports Product

Farrukh Sahar, Jari Varsaluoma, Sari Kujala, Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila 2014 International Academic MindTrek Conference, Tampere, Finland, November 4-6, 2014

Experiencing visual usability and aesthetics in two mobile application contexts

Johanna Silvennoinen, Marlene Vogel, Sari Kujala 2014 JOURNAL OF USABILITY STUDIES

Axe UX: Exploring Long-Term User Experience with iScale and AttrakDiff

Tanja Walsh, Jari Varsaluoma, Sari Kujala, Piia Nurkka, Helen Petrie, Chris Power 2014 International Academic MindTrek Conference, Tampere, Finland, November 4-6, 2014

Framing the Study of Pedestrians’ On-Going Experience of Safety in Dynamically Lit Urban Environment

Salu Ylirisku, Sari Kujala, Lauri Kytömaa, Eino Tetri 2014 Proceedings of the Experiencing Light conference, 10.-11.11.2014

Emotions, experiences and usability in real-life mobile phone use

Sari Kujala, Talya Miron-Shatz 2013 Proceedings of CHI Conference

Lost in Time

Sari Kujala, Marlene Vogel, Anna E. Pohlmeyer, Marianna Obrist 2013

Ethnographic examination for studying information sharing practices in rural South Africa

Amandeep Dhir, Imad Moukadem, Nobert Jere, Puneet Kaur, Sari Kujala, Antti Ylä-Jääski 2012 ACHI 2012 - 5th International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions

Sentence completion for evaluating symbolic meaning

Sari Kujala, Piia Nurkka 2012 International Journal of Design

Supporting local connections with online communities

Sanna Malinen, Tytti Virjo, Sari Kujala 2012 Media in the Ubiquitous Era: Ambient, Social and Gaming Media.

From Transient to Durable: Exploring the Emotional Value of Obsolete Objects

Haian Xue, Sari Kujala 2012 The 8th International Conference on Design & Emotion

Identifying factors influencing long-term user experience

Sari Kujala, Virpi Roto, Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila, Arto Sinnelä 2011 In Proceedings of Designing Pleasurable Products and Interfaces DPPI'11

UX Curve: A method for evaluating long-term user experience

Sari Kujala, Virpi Roto, Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila, Evangelos Karapanos, Arto Sinnelä 2011 Interacting with Computers

Collecting cross-cultural user data with internationalized storyboard surveys.

Tanja Walsh, Piia Nurkka, Tiina Koponen, Jari Varsaluoma, Sari Kujala, Sara Belt 2011 Proceedings of OzCHI Conference

Käyttäjäkeskeinen suunnittelu

Sari Kujala 2006 Systeemityö

How to Study the Learnability of Complex Expert Systems - Evaluating a System by Observing Training Sessions

Sari Kujala, Minttu Linja-aho, Pia Nakari 2005 HCI International 2005 Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada USA, July 2005

Linking User Needs and Use Case-Driven Requirements Engineering

Sari Kujala 2005 Human-Centered Software Engineering - Integrating Usability in the Software Development Lifecycle

The Role of User Involvement in Requirements Quality and Project Success

Sari Kujala, Marjo Kauppinen, Laura Lehtola, Tero Kojo 2005 IEEE Joint International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'05), Aug./Sept. 2005, Pariisi

Linking Business View to Requirements Engineering: Long-Term Product Planning by Roadmapping

Laura Lehtola, Marjo Kauppinen, Sari Kujala 2005 IEEE Joint International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'05), Pariisi, Aug./Sept. 2005

Creativity in Requirements Engineering Processes

Minna-Kaarina Forssén, Sari Kujala 2004 5th International Continuous Innovation Network CINet Conference, Sydney, Australia, September 2004

Implementing Requirements Engineering Processes throughout Organizations: Success Factors and Challenges

Marjo Kauppinen, Matti Vartiainen, Jyrki Kontio, Sari Kujala, Reijo Sulonen 2004 Information and Software Technology

Identifying and Selecting Users for User-Centered Design

Sari Kujala, Marjo Kauppinen 2004 Nordic Conference on Computer Human Interaction, Tampere, 2004

Requirements Prioritization Challenges in Practice

Laura Lehtola, Marjo Kauppinen, Sari Kujala 2004 5th International Conference, PROFES, Japan, April 2004

Field Studies in Practice: Making it Happen

Sari Kujala, Marjo Kauppinen, Pia Nakari, Sanna Rekola 2003 IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Zürich, Sveitsi, 1.-5.9.2003

User involvement: a review of the benefits and challenges

Sari Kujala 2003 Behaviour and Information Technology

Introducing Requirements Engineering: How to Make a Cultural Change Happen in Practice

Marjo Kauppinen, Sari Kujala, Tapani Aaltio, Laura Lehtola 2002 IEEE Joint International Conference on Requirements Engineering, Essen, Germany, 9-13 September 2002

Lessons Learned from Applying the Requirements Engineering Good Practice Guide for Process Improvement

Marjo Kauppinen, Tapani Aaltio, Sari Kujala 2002 Quality Connection - 7th European Conference on Software Quality, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2002

Assessing Requirements Engineering Processes with the REAIMS models:Lessons Learned

Marjo Kauppinen, Sari Kujala 2001 11th Annual International Symposium of the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE2001), Melbourne 1-5.7.2001

Starting Improvement of Requirements Engineering Processes: An Experience Report

Marjo Kauppinen, Sari Kujala 2001 3th International Conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement (Profes2001), Kailerslautern, Saksa, 10.-13.9.2001

Bridging the Gap between User Needs and User Requirements

Sari Kujala, Marjo Kauppinen, Sanna Rekola 2001 Panhellic Conference with International Participation in Human-Computer Interaction (PC-HCI2001)

Introducing User needs Gathering to Product Development: Increasing Innovation and Customer Satisfaction

Sari Kujala, Marjo Kauppinen, Sanna Rekola 2001 Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT'01), Tokio, 10-13.7.2001

How Effective Are User Studies?

S. Kujala, M. Mäntylä 2000 HCI'2000, Sunderland, UK, 6-8 September, 2000

Is User Involvement Harmful or Useful in the Early Stages of Product Development?

S. Kujala, M. Mäntylä 2000 CHI'2000, The Hague, The Netherlands, 1-6 April

Käyttäjätutkimukset hyödyllisten ja käytettävien tuotteiden suunnittelussa.

S. Kujala 2000 Informaatio, tieto ja yhteiskunta.Suomen Akatemian Tiedon tutkimusohjelman raportteja 4.

Studying Users for Developing Usable and Useful Products.

S. Kujala, M. Mäntylä 2000 1st Nordic Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, Stockholm, 23-25 October

Tietoyhteiskunnan käytettävyysongelmat

S. Riihiaho, S. Säde, M. Nieminen, I. Sinkkonen, S. Kujala 1999 Tampereen yliopisto