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Beta SPACE -galleria

Aallon beta SPACE -galleria sijaitsee Alvar Aallon suunnittelemassa kandidaattikeskuksessa.
Aalto betaspace, an exhibition venue for students at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture / photo by Julia Weckman.

Exhibition venue beta SPACE located at Otakaari 1 X, Espoo provides the Aalto University community with a space for experimentation and reflection, without focusing on particular disciplines. The course exhibitions from Art, Design and Architecture departments are combined here with curated content from various fields, related to the University teaching, research and other activities. The architect of this elegant and beautiful space is Alvar Aalto.

Photo: Julia Weckman

Exhibitions 2021

Spring Exhibition 2021:

04.04-14.04.2021 // 'House for an Artist' Project, BA Architecture Exhibition organised by Elina Koivisto

15.05-06.05.2021 // 'Curating in the Live' ViCCA Programme Exhibition organised by Bassam El Baroni

24.05-04.06.2021 // 'Taiteellinen ilmaisu' - 'Artistic Expression' BA Design Course Exhibition: Organised by Maija Fagerlund

07.06-21.06.2021 // 'Concrete pavilion' Projects, BA Architecture Exhibition organised by Elina Koivisto

Summer Exhibition 2021:

01.07-05.08.2021 // 'Bridges Aalto 2021' Exhibition organised by Taneli Luotoniemi

26.08-30.09.2021 // Helsinki Design Week 'Designs for a Cooler Planet' Resource wisdom

Past Exhibitions 2020:

07.01-21.01.2020 // Art now!  BA Students of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Interior architecture

23.01-07.02.2020 //Contemporary Design Course: Ceramics and Architecture

13.02-26.02.2020 // 'Exploring Narratives' Studio Course Exhibition organised by Robin Ellis

Designs for a Cooler Planet 2020: Hack our habitat

02.09-25.09.2020 // 'Makers of Landscapes - Viewpoints on landscape architecture' exhibition organised by Jyrki Sinkkilä, Aapo Pihkala and Emilia Weckman // Designs for a Cooler Planet 2020, Helsinki Design Week

21.10-04.11.2020 // 'Wooden Cottages' Project, BA Architecture Exhibition organised by Elina Koivisto

05.11-19.11.2020 // ViCCA MA Thesis exhibition by Saara Salmi

14.12-08.01.2021 // Architecture: Design studio exhibition organised by Maiju Suomi

Past Exhibitions 2019: 

14.12.2019-06.01.2020 // Ajatus (Idea) BA Students of Fashion and Design / Ajatus (Muoti, Muotoilu)

29.11-13.12.2019// Art now!  BA Students of Fashion and Design, Film, Television and Scenography

24.10-21.11.2019 // ClimATE

10.09 - 26.09.2019 // Traces from Anthropocene as part of Helsinki Design Week 

12.06 - 28.06.2019 // HEXIS by Karolina Januleviciute

27.05 - 07.06.2019 // “IDEA – AJATUS” course works 

19.05 - 26.05.2019 // Fashion Student works

06.05 - 18.05.2019 // “IDEA – AJATUS” course works

03.04 - 05.05.2019 // Curator students project

14.03 - 02.04.2019 // Art student works

06.03 - 13.03.2019 // Contemporary Drawing

20.02 - 05.03 // 'Design in the countryside' Hoi Laari

06.02 - 19.02.2019 // Learning Environments - New School in Puotila

11.01 - 01.02.2019 // Art Now! course works

04.03-11.03.2020//Contemporary Drawing-course exhibition

Suspended Exhibitions 2020: 

01.04-06.05.2020// VICCA project Ajatus (Idea) BA Students of Architecture, Landscape architecture and interior architecture

19-25.05.2020//Concrete pavillion- BA Architecture course exhibition

26.05-05.06.2020// Ajatus (Idea) BA students of Art Pedagogy, VCD / Ajatus (Kuvis, VCD)

06.06-14.06.2020 // Summer Graduation Celebration & Exhibition organised by Tarja Peltoniemi

06.07-05.08.2020//Bridges Aalto 2020: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Education, Culture


Curator Edel O’ Reilly ([email protected])

Aalto betaspace, an exhibition venue for students at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture / photo by Julia Weckman.

Kandidaattikeskus: Ohjeet näytteilleasettajille

Kandidaattikeskus: Ohjeet näytteilleasettajille

Tutkimus ja taide

Past Exhibitions 2021:

04.04-14.04.2021 // 'House for an Artist' Project, BA Architecture Exhibition organised by Elina Koivisto

15.05-06.05.2021 // 'Curating in the Live' ViCCA Programme Exhibition organised by Bassam El Baroni

24.05-04.06.2021 // 'Taiteellinen ilmaisu' - 'Artistic Expression' BA Design Course Exhibition: Organised by Maija Fagerlund

07.06-21.06.2021 // 'Concrete pavilion' Projects, BA Architecture Exhibition organised by Elina Koivisto

01.07-05.08.2021 // 'Bridges Aalto 2021' Exhibition organised by Taneli Luotoniemi

26.08-30.09.2021 // Helsinki Design Week 'Designs for a Cooler Planet' Resource wisdom

Past Exhibitions 2020:

07.01-21.01.2020 // Art now!  BA Students of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Interior architecture

23.01-07.02.2020 //Contemporary Design Course: Ceramics and Architecture

13.02-26.02.2020 // 'Exploring Narratives' Studio Course Exhibition organised by Robin Ellis

Designs for a Cooler Planet 2020: Hack our habitat

02.09-25.09.2020 // 'Makers of Landscapes - Viewpoints on landscape architecture' exhibition organised by Jyrki Sinkkilä, Aapo Pihkala and Emilia Weckman // Designs for a Cooler Planet 2020, Helsinki Design Week

21.10-04.11.2020 // 'Wooden Cottages' Project, BA Architecture Exhibition organised by Elina Koivisto

05.11-19.11.2020 // ViCCA MA Thesis exhibition by Saara Salmi

14.12-08.01.2021 // Architecture: Design studio exhibition organised by Maiju Suomi

Past Exhibitions 2019: 

14.12.2019-06.01.2020 // Ajatus (Idea) BA Students of Fashion and Design / Ajatus (Muoti, Muotoilu)

29.11-13.12.2019// Art now!  BA Students of Fashion and Design, Film, Television and Scenography

24.10-21.11.2019 // ClimATE

10.09 - 26.09.2019 // Traces from Anthropocene as part of Helsinki Design Week 

12.06 - 28.06.2019 // HEXIS by Karolina Januleviciute

27.05 - 07.06.2019 // “IDEA – AJATUS” course works 

19.05 - 26.05.2019 // Fashion Student works

06.05 - 18.05.2019 // “IDEA – AJATUS” course works

03.04 - 05.05.2019 // Curator students project

14.03 - 02.04.2019 // Art student works

06.03 - 13.03.2019 // Contemporary Drawing

20.02 - 05.03 // 'Design in the countryside' Hoi Laari

06.02 - 19.02.2019 // Learning Environments - New School in Puotila

11.01 - 01.02.2019 // Art Now! course works

04.03-11.03.2020//Contemporary Drawing-course exhibition

Contact: Edel O' Reilly, Curator ([email protected])

Aalto betaspace, an exhibition venue for students at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture / photo by Julia Weckman.

Kandidaattikeskus: Ohjeet näytteilleasettajille

Kandidaattikeskus: Ohjeet näytteilleasettajille

Tutkimus ja taide
Kaksi henkilö tutkii näyttelyn esineitä.

Oppimiskeskus: Ohjeet näytteilleasettajille

Oppimiskeskus: Ohjeet näytteilleasettajille

Tutkimus ja taide
Map of Aalto Exhibition Spaces

Järjestä näyttely Aalto-yliopistossa

Otaniemen kampuksella on runsaasti näyttelytiloja. Aallon kuraattorit kannustavatkin Aallon opiskelijoita, henkilökuntaa ja tutkijoita järjestämään niissä omia näyttelyitä ja esittelemään niissä projektejaan

Tutkimus ja taide

Aalto-yliopiston näyttelytoiminnan tietopankki

Oletpa näyttelyjen järjestäjä, tutkija tai vierailija, tältä sivustolta löydät kootusti tarvitsemasi tiedot ja uutiset.

Aalto betaspace, an exhibition venue for students at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture / photo by Julia Weckman.

Aallon galleriat ja näyttelytilat

Miten saadaan tilaa odottamattomille tavoille tarkastella maailmaa? Galleriat ja näyttelytilat ovat yhdessä toteutettuja toimintatiloja, joihin kootaan eri tekijöiden tietämystä, sisältöä, visioita ja intohimoa.

Tutkimus ja taide
Welcome to the Island of Trojan Horses! exhibition, image by Eilo Hatakka

Past Exhibitions in Review: 2016-2018

Past Exhibitions in Review: 2016-2018

Research & Art

About beta SPACE exhibitions

Kuva: Eeva Suorlahti

"Light on White” - valkoinen lasi- ja keramiikkanäyttely

Näyttely esittelee variaatioita keramiikasta ja lasista täysin valkoisena.


Näyttely: “Show must go wrong” tutkii ylikuormittumista

Verna Kovasen ja Krista Seppälän videoinstallaatio nähdään Beta Space -galleriassa Otaniemessä.

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