- Aalto Sustainability stories did a piece on NPHarvest (20.11.2019)
- NPHarvest tekee virtsasta arvotavaraa, Tekniikka & Talous ( 13.9.2019)
- Research notes on WE&T magazine June 2017 (5.9.2017)
- Wastewater nutrients converted into clean fertiliser (17.4.2017)
- A new method for converting wastewater nutrients into fertiliser (11.1.2017)
- Miten voimme muuttaa jäteveden resurssiksi? (25.4.2019)
- Nitrogen recovery from wastewater and human urine with hydrophobic gas separation membrane: experiments and modelling
- Nitrogen and Phosphorus Harvesting from Human Urine Using a Stripping, Absorption, and Precipitation Process
- Recovery and reuse of phosphorus from municipal wastewater - applications and attitudes in Finland
- Nitrogen and phosphorus harvesting from liquid waste using membrane (GPHM) – Market potential study: NPHarvest technique - Market potential study
- Nitrogen and phosphorus harvesting from liquid waste using gas permeable hydrophobic membrane (GPHM) - NPHARVEST: – End-Product Market study
- Nitrogen harvesting from liquid waste streams using hydrophobic gas permeable membranes