Aalto Networking Platform

Materials Platformin aiemmat tapahtumat

Materials Platformin järjestämät tai tukemat aiemmat tapahtumat.


Events organized by Materials Platform in 2020: 

Online writing workshop with John Weston, 29.04.2020

The Materials Platform and John Weston from the Aalto Language Centre are organizing a full-day writing workshop for Aalto doctoral students. This workshop will allow you to move your English writing forward by brushing up on aspects of grammar and style, and by making progress with your latest chapter, conference abstract, personal statement, research summary... whatever you need.

Writing Process_designed by pressfoto / Freepik

Kirjoitusretriitti verkossa tohtorikoulutettaville, kouluttajana Jess Kelley: huhtikuu 2020

Tapahtuma on täynnä! Materials Platform kutsuu Aallon tohtoriopiskelijat osallistumaan kirjoitusretriittiin verkossa. Strukturoitu retriitti sopii kaikkiin kirjoitusprojekteihin ja kenelle tahansa kirjoittajalle.

laptop notebook and pencil

Murata career opportunities for PhD students

PhD Students: ​Hear about career opportunities at Murata from Aalto alumni​

Murata electronics

Photoshoot day for materials samples: 12.02.2020

Materials Platform is organizing its annual photography event to support researchers in their application process. The event is meant for materials researchers who need quality photographs of their materials samples to support their research proposal, presentation, or article.


Photography meets materials vol.2 -näyttely

Materials Platform järjestää 'Photography meets materials' -näyttelyn Väreessä 14-24. tammikuuta 2020.
This exhibition is the result of the 'Photography workshop series' organized in collaboration with professional photography teacher Tiina Puputti in Fall 2019. The exhibition opens up the fascinating scientific perspectives on researched materials through the lens of photography.

Photography workshop for scientists_ photo Glen Forde

Writing retreat for doctoral students, 14-16 April 2020 in Otaniemi - CANCELLED

Materials Platform invites Aalto doctoral students to participate in a writing retreat. This structured writing retreat works for any kind of writing project and any kind of writer. We will use specific start and stop times for writing, as well as set times for writing warmups and discussion, and breaks for food, relaxation, and exercise.

laptop notebook and pencil

Effective Visual Communication for Scientists - CANCELLED

Would you like to improve the quality of your visuals? This two-day workshop introduces visual communication fundamentals and how to apply them to all types of scientific presentation.

Seyens Visual Communication workshop


Events supported by Materials Platform in 2019:

  1. Atomistic Simulation of Carbon-Based Materials workshop with the prize for the best talk and poster, 10-12.04.2019
    -Winner of Best Contributed Talk: Doctoral Candidate Anja Aarva, Aalto University (Finland)
    -Winner of Best Poster: Franz Martin Rohrhofer, Graz University of Technology (Austria)
  2. Aalto Symposium on New Functional Materials, 06-07.06.2019
    The Symposium honored Aalto Distinguished Prof. Maarit Karppinen. Topics included functional inorganic materials, such as thermoelectrics, lithium-ion batteries, and magnetic and luminescent materials.
  3. EIT Festival @Aalto, 02.10.2019
    During the event, Materials Platform met visitors at its info booth, organized the poster session for scientists, exhibited 'Materials Matter', and greeted people at the informal networking session at the end of the festival.

  4. "Extended timescale simulations of structural phase transformations in materials", 03.10.2019
    Research Seminar by Dr. Jutta Rogal (Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany). Materials Platform arranged meetings with the visitor and a campus tour.

  5. Understanding Cellulose Structure by Nonlinear Vibrational Spectroscopy, 07.10.2019
    Open lecture by Prof. Bin Yang who is visiting Aalto University from Washington State University's Department of Biological Systems Engineering and the Bioproduct, Sciences & Engineering Laboratory.

  6. Alumni Day at the School of Chemical Engineering, 26.10.2019
    In preparation for the event, we helped recruit young researchers to host various demonstrations of research projects, as well as some practical support.

  7. November Networking - ALD at Aalto University, 29.11.2019
    At the event, we provided a time and place where people with interest in ALD can meet and get better networked. All research groups working at Aalto with some connection to ALD were invited to introduce themselves in short presentations – what are the group’s capabilities, interesting recent results, and maybe challenges, too? Groups working with ALD outside Aalto University were likewise welcome to introduce themselves.

Events organized by Materials Platform in 2019: 

Photoshoot day for materials samples: book your slot now!

Materials Platform is organizing its annual photography event to support researchers in their application process. The event is meant for materials researchers who are preparing for funding applications this semester and need quality photographs of their materials samples to support the proposal.

Willow CNFi_researcher Jinze Dou_photo by Valeria Azovskaya_2017

Näyttely: Materials Matter

Materials Platform ylpeänä esittää Materials Matter -näyttelyn, joka on avoin sekä Aalto-yhteisölle että laajemmalle yleisölle. Näyttely esittelee kymmenen Aalto-yliopiston tutkimusprojektia, jotka ovat kehitetty yhteistyössä paikallisten, eurooppalaisten ja kansainvälisten kumppanien kanssa. Se on alun perin rakennettu Slush 2018 -tapahtumaa varten.
Tule mukaan tutustumaan Aalto-yliopistossa syntyneisiin tulevaisuuden materiaali-innovaatioihin!

Materials Matter exhibition by Materials Platform at Slush 2018_photo Ariane Relander

Networking Workshop Series

Materials and Energy Platforms present a Networking Series to support you to learn about and practice networking skills.

Networking at Aalto

Young Researcher’s Workshop and Hands-on Tutorial on Machine Learning for Materials Science 2019

The international workshop and tutorial focuses on young researchers to cultivate the next generation of scientists to proactively and efficiently exploit data-driven techniques in materials modeling.


Intro to Networking

Practical tips and tools for networking in a two-hour session.

Networking Workshop

Aalto welcomes Nucleic Acid Nanotechnology workshop, 27-29 May 2019

Scientists from around the world who are working on various aspects of nucleic acid nanotechnology will discuss recent advances, fundamental challenges, and emerging trends in this fascinating research field meet in Otaniemi.


AFPM - Advanced Functional Polymers for Medicine 2019

Welcome to AFPM 2019 in Espoo, Finland.
The Advanced Functional Polymers for Medicine (AFPM) 2019 conference will be held in Espoo, Finland from June 5th to June 7th, 2019. The conference venue is at the campus of Aalto University in Otaniemi, Espoo located close to the capital Helsinki.

Dipoli AFPM2019 / photo by Tuomas Uusheimo

The Finnish EU presidency gets a dose of Aalto visual food for thought

Materials Matter, and Fragile Water, two popular Aalto University exhibitions, are being featured as part of the Finnish EU presidency, which started at the beginning of July, and which runs for six months.

Fragile Water display at Helsinki-Vantaa airport

Verkottumistapaaminen Materials Platformin kanssa

Tässä on tilaisuus kehittää verkottumistaitojasi rennossa ilmapiirissä. Tapahtuma on tarkoitettu pääasiassa maisteri- ja jatko-opiskelijoille, mutta kaikki muutkin ovat erittäin tervetulleita!

Aalto University students_photo by Aino Huovio

Materials Platform poster session at EIT festival

Materials and Energy Platforms have designed this workshop and peer-to-peer feedback session for our researchers. We will review a number of posters, give feedback, and discuss the ways to improve the visuals, texts, as well as the content structure. Come as you are, come with your poster, it can be a draft one too!

Nantech-tapahtuma koostui esitelmistä ja posteriesityksistä. Kuva Matti Ahlgren / Aalto-yliopisto

Materials Matter at EIT Festival

Materials Platform will showcase aa few Aalto University research projects developed in collaboration with local, European, and international collaborators, originally shown at Slush 2018.

Solar cells from biomaterials_research Kati Miettunen_photo Valeria Azovskaya

Sensors at Aalto: Yhteishankkeet

Tapaa anturien parissa työskenteleviä kollegoja Aallosta, muista yliopistoista ja yrityksistä!

Audience listening to a presentation.

Photography workshop series for materials scientists

The aim is to provide a basic knowledge of how to shoot good quality scientific images and videos. The course provides a step-by-step guide on how to shoot photographs and videos for scientific use, whether it is an online publication, a print media, a presentation, or a poster. The course is designed for materials scientists with both none and some experience in photography.

Photo taken during photography workshop for scientists_Valeria Azovskaya_2017

Tohtorikoulutettavien retriitti 3.-5. joulukuuta 2019, Otaniemessä

Materials Platform kutsuu Aallon tohtoriopiskelijat osallistumaan kirjoitusretriittiin. Strukturoitu retriitti sopii kaikkiin kirjoitusprojekteihin ja kenelle tahansa kirjoittajalle.

Tools for writing_photo by valeria_aksakova

Low Cost Biofuels and Bioproducts from Plant Biomass

Visiting Professor Bin Yang (Washington State University) will present a seminar on Friday 29.11.2019 in Vuorimiehentie 1, Lecture Hall 2. Pizza will be served at 12:00 and the lecture will follow.

Pizza slice served from whole pizza

Beyond materials science: artist talk on material multiplicity

During the event, the audience will have a chance to familiarise itself with some of the conceptual ways of thinking about materials that inform the practice of Matthew C. Wilson, the Aalto University Artist in Residence. For Wilson, a material constitutes a multiplicity understood not only in terms of its structure and physical behavior, but also as a potential agent of histories, ideas, ideologies, values, and philosophies. Similarly, the mutability of materials through physical production processes occurs in relation to changing sociocultural processes that produce and mutate their meanings. We are looking forward to addressing those thoughts to the wider scientific community and initiate the discussion.

M.C.Wilson_EverythingWillBeDigested_art piece


Events supported by Materials Platform in 2018:
In its second year, the Materials Platform hosted numerous networking, educational, and impact events.

19.01. Fix Your Profile event – connecting your electronic profiles to make it easy for outside and inside experts to find you and use your expertise​
05.04. Artificial Intelligence in Materials Science lunch – bringing together materials researchers to show how AI is being used in different fields​
18.05. Mayday Mayday event – networking for doctoral researchers  to launch the new Aalto Sustainability Hub
05.06. Aalto Sensors event – for Aalto researchers and industry (with Digi and Health platforms) 
18.06. FinnCERES Flagship industry lunch  ​
12.09. Smart Textile Summit (with Experience Platform)​
12.10. Networking Masterclass for scientists (with Energy Platform)​

03-04.05. Machine Learning for Materials Science conference (provided tech support/service assistance to webcast conference internationally)​
11.10. Research Café on Materials (catering, advertising)​
Oct-Nov Advanced Materials Commercialization lectures, workshops – commercialization of research-based inventions (advertising, catering)​

08.12.2017 – 26.01. Materials Science Meets Photography exhibition following photography training course for researchers ​
13.03. Photoshoot day of research samples –professional photos of samples or materials (with Energy Platform)​
22.05. FinnCERES Flagship kick-off lunch and presentations (VTT & Aalto) 
01.06. Sub/Supercritical water innovation meets forest industry for academics and industry – circular bio-economy consumption models​
15.06. Oasis warm-up for Slush in December (25 attendees, 15 from ARTS)​
June-September - Visualization workshop and photoshoot, and personalized consultancy sessions for grant applicants ​
04.-05.12. Materials Matter exhibition at Slush​

Suomalainen materiaalitutkimus näyttävästi esillä

Alan johtava lehti Advanced Materials on omistanut suomalaiselle tutkimukselle erikoisnumeron, jossa on useita artikkeleita Aalto-yliopiston tutkijoilta.

Kuvaus hapen pelkistysreaktiosta, joka vaikuttaa huomattavasti useiden energianmuuntolaitteiden suorituskykyyn. Kuva: Valeria Azovskaya

Kierrätyskuituja ja bakteerien tekemiä laastareita – Aalto tuo materiaalivallankumouksen Slushiin

Uudet materiaalit ovat tärkeässä roolissa kestävässä kehityksessä ja ilmastonmuutoksen torjumisessa.



Events supported by Materials Platform in 2017:

The Materials Platform was launched in May 2017, identifying the mission, vision, and key activities the Platform would pursue into the future. Aimed at boosting scientific and educational excellence and creativity, the Platform organized activities for collaborative exchange of ideas and efforts, integrating multi- and cross-disciplinary initiatives.

Two events included the Idea Summit on Smart Textiles, and a lunchtime event, EIT Opportunities for Materials research and teaching, 06.10.2017.

In addition, photography became a key service and training focus for the Platform. Two photo shoot days of materials research samples (10.08.2017 and 18.09.2017), as well as a demo workshop for materials projects (10.10.2017) were organized and hosted by the Materials Platform. Finally, Prof. Robin Ras initiated a photography workshop series, led by renowned photography teacher Tiina Puputti, followed by an exhibition of researcher's own photographs, 'Materials Science meets Photography' show (08.12.2017-26.01.2018).

Monialainen Materials Platform on muutoksentekijä

Materiaalitutkimuksella on merkittävä rooli tulevaisuuden teollisissa sovelluksissa ja innovaatioissa.

Aalto University

Special journal issue showcases Aalto University’s materials research

The special issue of Advanced Electronic Materials published by Wiley Inc. presents 12 articles on materials research conducted at Aalto University.

Assistant Professor Antti Karttunen and the research group combined electronic materials with cotton. Photo: Mikko Raskinen, Aalto University
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