Leena Korkiala-Tanttu

Senior Advisor
Senior Advisor
T214 Civil Engineering

My speciality in research is the geotechnics of infraconstructions including superstructures, foundations and ground improvements. During Aalto era I have had research projects about for example the use of alternative materials, deep mixing methods together with the characteristization of material parameters and their reliability, stability of cuttings, permanent deformations of pavement layers. My own dissertation in year 2009 dealt with the permanent deformations (rutting) of low-volume roads. This research was based on the three fill-scale pavement tests in 200-2002. The research topics include also the automationof ground improvements (POHVA1). Since 2004 I have made also research on nuclear waste disposal in several projects funded by Posiva OY and KYT-programme.  One interesting area of research has been the life cycle analysis of infraconstructions from 2005. Besides these mainly Finnish projects I have been involved in two COST actions: (COST 347 Accelerated Pavement Testing and COST 354 Pavement Performance Indicator). Besides these I have taken part into to EU projects: ALTMAT (1999 - 2001) and ECRPD (2006 - 2008).

Full researcher profile


Elinkaaritarkastelut, Pohjarakentamisen tietomallit, Ydinjätetutkimus, Geotekninen mallinnus, Päällysrakenteiden suunnittelu, Geotekniikka, Life cycle studies, Nuclear waste disposal, Geotechnical modelling, Analysis of pavement structures, Geotechnics, Earth construction materials, circular economy, Recycling, kiertotalous, uusiomateriaalit


Tieyhdistyken hopeinen ansiomerkki kultalehvin

Yhdistyksen hopeinen ansiomerkki kultalehvin edellyttää merkittäviä ja pitkäaikaisia ansioita tieliikennealalla.
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Civil Engineering Jun 2023

GEOTeko tunnustuspalkinto

GEOTeko on Suomen Geoteknillisen yhdistyksen tunnustpalkinto, jok ajaetaan joka toinen vuosi.
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Civil Engineering Nov 2023

Pikku Tömppä prize 2022

The prize is awarded for personal achievements in the earthwork field by Maarakennusalan neuvottelukunta
Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career Department of Civil Engineering Jan 2022

Vuoden 2018 rakennusalan diplomi-insinööri Leena Korkiala-Tanttu

Suomen Rakennusinsinöörien Liitto RIL on valinnut vuoden 2018 rakennusalan diplomi-insinööriksi tekniikan tohtori Leena Korkiala-Tantun, joka toimii georakentamisen professorina Aalto-yliopiston Insinööritieteiden korkeakoulussa. Hänellä on erittäin pitkä kokemus alalta sekä tutkimuksen että suunnittelun parista.
Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career Department of Civil Engineering Apr 2018

Monica Löfmanin diplomityön valvonta

Oskari Vilamon rahaston diplomityöpalkinto 2017 vuoden 2016 diplomityöstä Monica Löfmanille
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Civil Engineering Jan 2017


Suomen Geoteknillinen Yhdistys (SGY) ry myöntää kerran kahdessa vuodessa GeoTeko-palkinnon. Tunnustuspalkinto annetaan kohteelle, joka parhaiten edustaa korkealuokkaista suomalaista geoteknisen alan osaamista.
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Civil Engineering Nov 2017

Jaana Vinterin Diplomityön valvonta

Jaana Vinterin Diplomityön valvonta
Award or honor granted for a specific work Department of Civil Engineering Dec 2016


  • Mineral Based Materials and Mechanics, Senior Advisor


Carbon Sequestration Capacity of Stabilized Soft Clays with Recycled Binders

Bruk Belay Dejenie, Ammavajjala Sesha Sai Raghuram, Leena Korkiala-Tanttu, Juha Forsman, Henry Gustavsson 2024

Stabilization Tests for Deep Mixing—Round-Robin Tests in Eight Finnish Laboratories

Juha Forsman, Jari Ikävalko, Monica Löfman, Leena Korkiala-Tanttu, Tuuli Teittinen 2024

Stabilization of soft clay with sustainable binders for dry deep mixing design

Alejandra Lopez Ramírez, Yinning Zhang, Juha Forsman, Leena Korkiala-Tanttu 2024

Investigation of the adhesion and debonding behaviors of rubber asphalt and aggregates using molecular dynamics simulation

Fucheng Guo, Jianzhong Pei, Guojing Huang, Jiupeng Zhang, Augusto Cannone Falchetto, Leena Korkiala-Tanttu 2023

Aalto-yliopiston kuulumisia

Leena Korkiala-Tanttu, Henry Gustavsson 2023