Laura Ferrer Pascual

School common, ELEC
Doctoral Researcher
Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation
Doctoral Researcher
Microsystems Technology
Full researcher profile
Tietotie 3 02150 Espoo Finland


Biosensors, Electrochemistry, DNA nanotechnology, Carbon nanotubes, Nanomaterials, Aptamers, Electrochemical Aptamer Based Sensors


  • Microsystems Technology, Doctoral Researcher


Effect of etchant gases on the structure and properties of carbon nanofibers

Ishan Pande, Laura Ferrer Pascual, Ayesha Kousar, Jani Sainio, Hua Jiang, Tomi Laurila 2024

Modulating the Geometry of the Carbon Nanofiber Electrodes Provides Control over Dopamine Sensor Performance

Ayesha Kousar, Ishan Pande, Laura Ferrer Pascual, Emilia Peltola, Jani Sainio, Tomi Laurila 2023

Interface matters - Effects of catalyst layer metallurgy on macroscale morphology and electrochemical performance of carbon nanofiber electrodes

Ishan Pande, Laura Ferrer Pascual, Ayesha Kousar, Emilia Peltola, Hua Jiang, Tomi Laurila 2023

Nanoscale engineering to control mass transfer on carbon-based electrodes

Laura Ferrer Pascual, Ishan Pande, Ayesha Kousar, Samuel Rantataro, Tomi Laurila 2022