Jani Oksanen

Senior Scientist
Senior Scientist
T314 Dept. Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering
Full researcher profile


Chemovoltaic effect for renewable liquid and vapor fuels on semiconductor surfaces

Mahdi Alizadeh, Ivan Radevici, Shengyang Li, Jani Oksanen 2024 ChemSusChem

Temperature Dependence of Reaction Kinetics in a Hybrid GaAs Solar-Fuel Cell Device

Mahdi Alizadeh, Shengyang Li, Seyed Ahmad Shahahmadi, Jani Oksanen 2024 Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters

Effects of resonances and surface texturing on light emission in emerging thin-film devices

Pyry Kivisaari, Mikko Partanen, Jani Oksanen 2024 Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XXXII

Adsorption Induced Bipolar Excitation at Semiconductor Surface

Shengyang Li, Kexun Chen, Mahdi Alizadeh, Ville Vähänissi, Hele Savin, Jani Oksanen 2024 Surfaces and Interfaces

Pushing the limits of non-radiative recombination suppression in GaAs/GaInP light emitting diodes by doping profile engineering

Ahmad Shahahmadi, Pyry Kivisaari, Benoît Behaghel, Ivan Radevici, Sami Suihkonen, Jani Oksanen 2024 Applied Physics Letters

Electro-Optical Coupling in Double Diode Structures

Nicklas Anttu, Vilgailė Dagytė, Benoît Behaghel, Ivan Radevici, Toufik Sadi, Pyry Kivisaari, Jani Oksanen 2023 Physical Review Applied

Analysis of airport design for introducing infrastructure for autonomous drones

Harry Edelman, Joel Stenroos, Jorge Peña Queralta, David Hästbacka, Jani Oksanen, Tomi Westerlund, Juha Röning 2023 Facilities

Strain-Engineered Multilayer Epitaxial Lift-Off for Cost-Efficient III-V Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics

Tuomas Haggren, Julie Tournet, Chennupati Jagadish, Hark Hoe Tan, Jani Oksanen 2023 ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces

Chemical Excitation of Silicon Photoconductors by Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching

Shengyang Li, Hussein M. Ayedh, Marko Yli-Koski, Ville Vähänissi, Hele Savin, Jani Oksanen 2023 Journal of Physical Chemistry C

(oral talk) Electroless excitation of semiconductors through semiconductor-liquid interfaces

Shengyang Li, Kexun Chen, Ville Vähänissi, Hele Savin, Jani Oksanen 2023