Enrico Glerean

Staff Scientist
Staff Scientist
T320 School common, SCI
About Enrico Glerean

I am Enrico Glerean, I am a staff scientist at the Aalto School of Science, core member of the Aalto Scientific Computing team where we run the Triton high performance computing cluster, help researchers with their research software, and teach massive online hands-on courses like "Python for Scientific Computing".

I am also a core member of the Aalto Data Agents network. I am an expert in working with personal data in research: I train and support researchers with issue related to GDPR, secure computing workflows for sensitive data, data anonymization.  I am a passionate promoter of open science, transparency, ethics, research integrity, and reproducibility: I train other researchers on these issues and I am a founding member of the Finnish Reproducibility Network

My research domain is cognitive neuroscience, with focus on methods for magnetic resonance imaging of the brain. I am a member of Nordic-RSE and CodeRefinery, two communities in the Nordics devoted to training and helping researchers with scientific software and reproducibility. I am an activist trying to bring a change on issues about equality and inclusivity for women in STEM: I am one of the organizers of the "Making Waves" initiative. I am an elected member of the Aalto Academic Affairs Committee representing researchers and research support personnel. Please feel free to contact me to discuss any matter listed in this short description. I am also active on Twitter @eglerean @SciCompAalto @FinRepro @MWavesAalto.

Full researcher profile


Graph and network data, FMRI, Data mining, Signal processing, Musicology, Neuroscience, Complex networks


Bodily Maps of Symptoms and Emotions in Parkinson's Disease

Kalle J. Niemi, Annu Huovinen, Elina Jaakkola, Enrico Glerean, Lauri Nummenmaa, Juho Joutsa 2024

Application of simultaneous uncertainty quantification and segmentation for oropharyngeal cancer use-case with Bayesian deep learning

Jaakko Sahlsten, Joel Jaskari, Kareem A. Wahid, Sara Ahmed, Enrico Glerean, Renjie He, Benjamin H. Kann, Antti Mäkitie, Clifton D. Fuller, Mohamed A. Naser, Kimmo Kaski 2024

Harnessing uncertainty in radiotherapy auto-segmentation quality assurance

Kareem A. Wahid, Jaakko Sahlsten, Joel Jaskari, Michael J. Dohopolski, Kimmo Kaski, Renjie He, Enrico Glerean, Benjamin H. Kann, Antti Mäkitie, Clifton D. Fuller, Mohamed A. Naser, David Fuentes 2024

Social Bodies : Preliminary Evidence That Awareness of Embodied Emotions Is Associated With Recognition of Emotions in the Bodily Cues of Others

Scott D. Blain, Matthew A. Snodgress, Lauri Nummenmaa, Joel S. Peterman, Enrico Glerean, Sohee Park 2023

Development and psychometric testing of the perception of nursing profession instrument

Niina Glerean, Kirsi Talman, Enrico Glerean, Maija Hupli, Elina Haavisto 2023

Body maps of loves

Pärttyli Rinne, Mikke Tavast, Enrico Glerean, Mikko Sams 2023

Lipreading a naturalistic narrative in a female population: Neural characteristics shared with listening and reading

Satu Saalasti, Jussi Alho, Juha M. Lahnakoski, Mareike Bacha-Trams, Enrico Glerean, Iiro P. Jääskeläinen, Uri Hasson, Mikko Sams 2023

Segmentation stability of human head and neck cancer medical images for radiotherapy applications under de-identification conditions: Benchmarking data sharing and artificial intelligence use-cases

Jaakko Sahlsten, Kareem A. Wahid, Enrico Glerean, Joel Jaskari, Mohamed A. Naser, Renjie He, Benjamin H. Kann, Antti Mäkitie, Clifton D. Fuller, Kimmo Kaski 2023

Functional organization of social perception networks in the human brain

Severi Santavirta, Tomi Karjalainen, Sanaz Nazari-Farsani, Matthew Hudson, Vesa Putkinen, Kerttu Seppälä, Lihua Sun, Enrico Glerean, Jussi Hirvonen, Henry K. Karlsson, Lauri Nummenmaa 2023