Föreläsningarna är på populärvetenskaplig engelska. Tillställningen är öppen för alla – professorer, studerande, forsknings- och undervisningspersonal, servicepersonal samt allmänheten.
Rektorn Ilkka Niemeläs mottagning efter föreläsningarna.
Helke Susanna: Critical praxis as research within documentary film
Department of Film, Television and Scenography; School of Arts, Design and Architecture
Ilmonen Pauliina: What is atypical anyway?
Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis, School of Science
Jylhä Petri:Investor constraints and pricing of financial assets
Department of Finance, School of Business
Korte Riikka:Mathematical analysis without linear structure
Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis, School of Science
Liu Yong:AI robotic service – Beyond the horizon
Department of Information and Service Management, School of Business
Lof Matthijs:Insider trading on financial markets
Department of Finance, School of Business
Maloney Thaddeus:A paradigm shift for paper
Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems, School of Chemical Engineering
Marttinen Pekka:Machine learning in healthcare – Opportunities and challenges
Department of Computer Science, School of Science
Nyberg Peter:Expected returns
Department of Finance, School of Business
Oliveira Fabricio:Making better decisions with mathematical optimization
Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis, School of Science
Penttinen Esko:What’s so special about digital transformation?
Department of Information and Service Management, School of Business
Rautkari Lauri:Wood
Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems, School of Chemical Engineering
Salonen Heidi:Indoor air quality – Importance and threats
Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering
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