
Internationellt seminarium om hållbar utveckling: Towards Sustainable Green Society (TSGS2021)

Seminariet kommer att bjuda in forskare från olika discipliner för att utbyta tankar och idéer om tillämpningen av hållbar utveckling inom olika discipliner, såsom teknik, management, konst, design och arkitektur.
sustainable green society

Social Acceptability Study (SAS) -nätverket organiserar ett öppet, internationellt TSGS 2021 -webbinarium "Towards a Sustainable Green Society" den 29 oktober 2021. Panelsamtalen i seminariet ger deltagarna möjlighet att främja den tvärvetenskapliga dialogen och förståelsen som behövs för att hantera hållbarhetsutmaningar i allmänhet. 

For more information:

The Free online seminar TSGS 2021 is an international convention for advancement of academic research in engineering & technology, business management, arts, design and architecture, decision science and sustainability science that invites academics, independent scholars, researchers and practioners from all around the world to meet and exchange the latest ideas, frontiers, innovations, advancements and developments in the contemporary disciplines in line with the principle of sustainable development.

Additionally, through an expert panel of speakers and delegates, Towards Sustainable Green Society 2021 is all prepped up to envision some of the best talks in the science, arts, business and social sciences. More specifically, the panel discussions provide participants to promote cross-disciplinary dialogue and understanding needed in solving sustainability challenges in general.

Sustainability, Circular Economy, Green Society, SAS Network


Chief Guest Speaker Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus, Ph.D , Bangladesh. Topic: Sustainability-A world without three zeros 

Keynote Speaker Professor Brian Chi-ang Lin, Ph.D, National Chengchi University, Taiwan . Topic: Sustainable Growth: A Circular Economy Perspective 

Keynote Speaker Senior Research Fellow Sabiruddin Mirza, Ph.D , Harvard University, USA . Topic: Lab-On-A-Chip: A game changing eco-friendly technology for fine chemicals discovery and  development

Panel discussion: Sustainability: research, politics, policies and practices 


  • Professor Dr. Eva Pongra'cz, Head of the Energy and Environmental Engineering Research Group , Faculty of Technology, University of Oulu, Finland. 
  • Senior Researcher Dr. Liisa Laakso, The Nordic Africa Institute, Sweden. Former Rector, Tampere University, Finland.
  • Professor Dr. Abu Yousuf Md. Abdullah, University of Dhaka & Chairman, Northern University Bangladesh. 
  • Professor Dr. Philippe Forêt, University of Basel &  American University of Central Asia.
  • Professor Dr. Diaa-Eldin Mansour, Department of Electrical Power and Machines Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University, Egypt .
  • Professor Dr. Electo Eduardo Silva Lora, Centre for Excellence in Thermoelectric and Distributed Generation, Federal University of Itajuba', Brazil

Registration: Please register latest October 25 > Registration link

The participation link will be sent to all registered participants October 25.
The organizer reserves the right to make changes in the program.
The Zoom link will be sent to the registered participants on October 27th. The event will be recorded. 

Event organizer:

Social Acceptability Study (SAS) Network, Aalto University, Finland
Co-organizers: University of Helsinki, Finland, LUT University , Finland, University of Vaasa, Finland 
The event is supported by SAS Network Aalto University, FinCEAL, University of Vaasa. 

If you have any questions, please contact us at:
Dr.Soc.Sc Munjur E. Moula ([email protected])
Staff Scientist Timo Laukkanen ([email protected])
Professor (assist) Annukka Santasalo-Aarnio ([email protected] )
Senior University Lecturer Henrik Holmberg ([email protected])
Senior University Lecturer Tuomas Paloposki ([email protected])


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