Sajjad Fattaheian Dehkordi

Postdoctoral Researcher
Postdoctoral Researcher
T410 Dept. Electrical Engineering and Automation
Full researcher profile


Smart grids, Power System and High Voltage Engineering, Flexibility, Renewable Energy, Machine Learning, Optimization, Distribution System


Alborz Foundation Elite Award

Nominated by Sharif university and Ministry of Science and elected by the Alborze Foundation for 'Alborz Foundation Elite Award'
Award or honor granted for academic or artistic career Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation Jan 2021

Bronze Medal in 17th National Olympiad of Electrical Engineering

Invitation or ranking in competition Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation Jan 2012


  • Power Systems and High Voltage Engineering, Postdoctoral Researcher


Decentralized Energy Management of Multiagent Distribution Systems Considering the Grid Reliability and Agent Misbehavior

Farshid Aghamohammadi, Ali Abbaspour, Hossein Saber, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Matti Lehtonen 2024 IEEE Systems Journal

Fault-resilient energy management of grid-connected energy communities in presence of distance-driven P2P and P2G energy transactions

Monir Ashrafi, Ali Abbaspour, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Seddik Bacha, Raphael Caire 2024 Electric Power Systems Research

A Distributed Framework for Minimizing the Asymmetrical Power Request in Multi-Agent Microgrids with Unbalanced Integration of DERs

Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Mohammad Shahidehpour, Matti Lehtonen 2024 IEEE Access

Application of machine learning in determining and resolving state estimation anomalies in power systems

Mohammad Ganjkhani, Ali Abbaspour, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Mohammad Gholami, Matti Lehtonen 2024 Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks

Optimizing decentralized implementation of state estimation in active distribution networks

Mohammad Gholami, Aref Eskandari, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Matti Lehtonen 2024 IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution

A New Management Method for Reliable Peer-to-Peer Energy Sharing in Power Distribution Systems

Mahyar Tofighi-Milani, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Hossein Saber, Christian Rehtanz, Matti Lehtonen 2024 IEEE Access

Investigating the Impact of Electrical Load Types on the Frequency Response of Low Inertia Power Systems

Mahyar Tofighi-Milani, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Matti Lehtonen 2024 IEEE Access


Sajjad Fattaheian Dehkordi, Matti Lehtonen 2023 27th International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2023)

A Distributed Framework for Intense Ramping Management in Distribution Networks

Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Ali Abbaspour, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Matti Lehtonen 2023 IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids

Hedging Investments of Grid-Connected PV-BESS in Buildings Using Cryptocurrency Mining: A Case Study in Finland

Mehran Hajiaghapour-Moghimi, Ehsan Hajipour, Kamyar Azimi Hosseini, Mehdi Tavakkoli, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Mehdi Vakilian, Matti Lehtonen 2023 IEEE Access

Day-Ahead Optimal Scheduling of Resources in a Distribution System in Joint Energy, Regulation and Ramp Markets

Amin Naseri, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Ali Abbaspour, Matti Lehtonen 2023 International Review of Electrical Engineering

Investigating the Impacts of Resiliency of the Automation System on Distribution Network Resilience

Mohammad Sadeghian-Jahromi, Matti Lehtonen, Mahmoud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Saeed Heidary 2023 Proceedings - 2023 IEEE PES GTD International Conference and Exposition, GTD 2023

A PMU Placement Framework in an Active Distribution Network Based on Voltage Profile Estimation Accuracy

Amin Salehi, Mahmoud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Matti Lehtonen 2023 Proceedings - 2023 IEEE PES GTD International Conference and Exposition, GTD 2023

Developing an Optimal Framework for PMU Placement Based on Active Distribution System State Estimation Considering Cost-Worth Analysis

Amin Salehi, Mahmoud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Mohammad Gholami, Matti Lehtonen 2023 IEEE Access

Distributed reactive power management in multi-agent energy systems considering voltage profile improvement

Mahyar Tofighi-Milani, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Matti Lehtonen 2023 IET Generation Transmission and Distribution

14 - Peer-to-peer management of energy systems

Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Mahyar Tofighi-Milani, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Fei Wang 2022 Decentralized Frameworks for Future Power Systems

A new management framework for mitigating intense ramping in distribution systems

Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Ali Abbaspour, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Matti Lehtonen 2022 Energy

A Transactive-Based Control Scheme for Minimizing Real-Time Energy Imbalance in a Multiagent Microgrid

Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Mehdi Tavakkoli, Ali Abbaspour, Hesam Mazaheri, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Matti Lehtonen 2022 IEEE Systems Journal

Distributed Transactive Framework for Congestion Management of Multiple-microgrid Distribution Systems

Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Ali Rajaei, Ali Abbaspour, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Matti Lehtonen 2022 IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids

Hydrogen Storage System Allocation in a Distribution Grid Considering Congestion Problem

Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Mehdi Tavakkoli, Mahmoud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Ali Abbaspour, Mina Habibi, Matti Lehtonen 2022 18th International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM 2022

Incentive-Based Flexible-Ramp-Up Management in Multi-Microgrid Distribution Systems

Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Ali Abbaspour, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Matti Lehtonen 2022 IEEE Systems Journal

Investment Planning of Hydrogen Storage Units in a Distribution System Considering Intense Ramping Issue

Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Ali Abbaspour, Mahmoud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Matti Lehtonen 2022 SEST 2022 - 5th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies

Optimal energy management of distribution networks in post-contingency conditions

Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Mehdi Tavakkoli, Ali Abbaspour, Mahmoud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Matti Lehtonen 2022 International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems

Transactive-based Control Algorithm for Mitigating Unbalanced Operation of Microgrids

Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Ali Abbaspour, Mahmoud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Matti Lehtonen 2022 2022 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2022 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC / I and CPS Europe 2022

Harnessing power system flexibility under multiple uncertainties

Hesam Mazaheri, Hossein Saber, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Moein Moeini-Aghtaie, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Matti Lehtonen 2022 IET Generation Transmission and Distribution

Transactive Energy Management of V2G-Capable Electric Vehicles in Residential Buildings: An MILP Approach

Hossein Saber, Hossein Ranjbar, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Moein Moeini-Aghtaie, Mehdi Ehsan, Mohammad Shahidehpour 2022 IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy

An Approach to Divide Wind Power Capacity Between Day-Ahead Energy and Intraday Reserve Power Markets

Mehdi Tavakkoli, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Mahdi Pourakbari-Kasmaei, Matti Liski, Matti Lehtonen 2022 IEEE Systems Journal

Investigating How the Equilibria of the Electricity Market Are Affected by Modeling the strategic Behavior of Consumers

Mehdi Tavakkoli, Sajjad Fattaheian Dehkordi, Mahdi Pourakbari Kasmaei, Nikos Hatziargyriou, Matti Liski, Matti Lehtonen 2022 International Review of Electrical Engineering: IREE

Strategic Biddings of a Consumer demand in both DA and Balancing Markets in Response to Renewable Energy Integration

Mehdi Tavakkoli, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Mahdi Pourakbari-Kasmaei, Matti Liski, Matti Lehtonen 2022 Electric Power Systems Research

A Novel Distributed Paradigm for Energy Scheduling of Islanded Multiagent Microgrids

Mahyar Tofighi-Milani, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Mohammad Gholami, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Matti Lehtonen 2022 IEEE Access

Decentralized Active Power Management in Multi-Agent Distribution Systems Considering Congestion Issue

Mahyar Tofighi-Milani, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Matti Lehtonen 2022 IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids

Electric vehicles and electric storage systems participation in provision of flexible ramp service

Sajjad Fattaheian Dehkordi, Ali Abbaspour, Matti Lehtonen 2021 Energy Storage in Energy Markets

Incentive-based management of multiagent distribution systems in contingency conditions

Sajjad Fattaheian Dehkordi, Ali Abbaspour, Mahmoud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Matti Lehtonen 2021 CIRED 2021 - The 26th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution

The Role of Transactive Energy on Management of Flexible Resources

Sajjad Fattaheian Dehkordi, Mohammad Gholami, Ali Abbaspour, Matti Lehtonen 2021 Flexible Resources for Smart Cities

A New Framework for Mitigating Voltage Regulation Issue in Active Distribution Systems Considering Local Responsive Resources

Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Ali Abbaspour, Hesam Mazaheri, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Matti Lehtonen 2021 IEEE Access

An Incentive-based Mechanism to Alleviate Active Power Congestion in a Multi-agent Distribution System

Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Mehdi Tavakkoli, Ali Abbaspour, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Matti Lehtonen 2021 IEEE Transactions on Smart Grids

Management of Flexible Resources for Voltage Regulation of Distribution Systems

Sajjad Fattaheian–Dehkordi, Mohammad Gholami, Mehdi Tavakkoli, Mahmud Fotuhi–Firuzabad, Matti Lehtonen 2021 2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT Europe)

Active Distribution Management System

Mohammad Gholami, Sajjad Fattaheian Dehkordi, Hesam Mazaheri, Ali Abbaspour Tehrani-Fard 2021 Active Electrical Distribution Network

Determining the Optimum Network Division Scheme for Multi-area Distribution System State Estimation

Mohammad Gholami, Sajjad Fattaheian Dehkordi, Ali Abbaspour-Tehrani-Fard, Moein Moeini-Aghtaie, Mahmoud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Matti Lehtonen 2021 2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe)

Modeling and Quantification of Power System Resilience to Natural Hazards

Rahim Ghorani, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Mehdi Farrokhi, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Matti Lehtonen 2021 IEEE Access

A Two-Stage Flexibility-Oriented Stochastic Energy Management Strategy for Multi-Microgrids Considering Interaction With Gas Grid

Farshid Kamrani, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Mohammad Gholami, Ali Abbaspour, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Matti Lehtonen 2021 IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management

Flexibility-based operational management of a microgrid considering interaction with gas grid

Farshid Kamrani, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Ali Abbaspour, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Matti Lehtonen 2021 IET Generation Transmission and Distribution

Decentralized transactive energy management of multi-microgrid distribution systems based on ADMM

Ali Rajaei, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Moein Moeini-Aghtaie 2021 International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems

Developing a Distributed Robust Energy Management Framework for Active Distribution Systems

Ali Rajaei, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Moein Moeini-Aghtaie, Matti Lehtonen 2021 IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy

Transactive energy management framework for active distribution systems

Ali Rajaei, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Matti Lehtonen 2021 Proceedings of International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies, SEST 2021

Bonus-Based Demand Response Using Stackelberg Game Approach for Residential End-Users Equipped with HVAC System

Mehdi Tavakkoli, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Mahdi Pourakbari Kasmaei, Matti Liski, Matti Lehtonen 2021 IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy

Incentive-based ramp-up minimization in multi-microgrid distribution systems

Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Mehdi Tavakkoli, Ali Abbaspour, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Matti Lehtonen 2020 Proceedings of 2020 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT-Europe 2020

Transactive-based control algorithm for real-time energy imbalance minimisation in microgrids

Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Mohammad Jooshaki, Ali Abbaspour, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Matti Lehtonen 2020 CIRED - Open Access Proceedings Journal

Optimal allocation of PMUs in active distribution network considering reliability of state estimation results

Mohammad Gholami, Ali Abbaspour, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Matti Lehtonen, Moein Moeini-Aghtaie, Mahmud Fotuhi 2020 IET Generation Transmission and Distribution

Planning a flexible distribution network with energy storage systems considering the uncertainty of renewable sources and demand

Mohammad Jooshaki, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Matti Lehtonen 2020 CIRED - Open Access Proceedings Journal

A game theory approach for maximum utilization of wind power by DR in residential consumers

Mehdi Tavakkoli, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Mahdi Pourakbari-Kasmaei, Matti Liski, Matti Lehtonen 2020 Proceedings of 2020 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT-Europe 2020

Distribution Grid Flexibility-ramp Minimization using Local Resources

Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Mehdi Tavakkoli, Ali Abbaspour, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Matti Lehtonen 2019 Proceedings of the IEEE PES Europe Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, ISGT-Europe 2019

Investigating the Impacts of Microgrids and Gas Grid Interconnection on Power Grid Flexibility

Farshid Kamrani, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Ali Abbaspour, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Matti Lehtonen 2019 Proceedings of the 2019 Smart Gird Conference, SGC 2019

An Incentive Based Demand Response by HVAC Systems in Residential Houses

Mehdi Tavakkoli, Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Mahdi Pourakbari-Kasmaei, Matti Liski, Matti Lehtonen 2019 Proceedings of 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT-Europe 2019

Transmission System Critical Component Identification Considering Full Substations Configuration and Protection Systems

Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Mahmud Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Rahim Ghorani 2018 IEEE Transactions on Power Systems

Hour-ahead demand forecasting in smart grid using support vector regression (SVR)

Sajjad Fattaheian-Dehkordi, Alireza Fereidunian, Hamid Gholami-Dehkordi, Hamid Lesani 2014 International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems