
Symposium för digital tillgänglighet i högre utbildning

Symposium will be in English for enabling participation of our English speaking academic colleagues. However, comments and questions can be made in Finnish, too.
Accessible parking sign as understood by Pertti Jarla
Drawing of Pertti Jarla by the accessible parking space in Otaniemi. ISA symbol on the left and an engineering student jumping with a kangaroo ball on the right

Hybrid symposium of Digital Accessibility on Wednesday  11th January, 2023 at 12-16.15


11.50 Informal warming up begins - who's who on site, checking the Teams connection

12.00 Welcome to Aalto campus. Development Manager Martti Rahkila, Aalto University IT Services

12.15 Presentation “Accessibility as part of Aalto strategy” (EDI / digitalization), 15 min

12.30 Keynote presentation: “Digital Accessibility – Don’t think black & white”, 45 min

13.15 Presentation as a comment of the keynote: “Digital Accessibility and UNITE” 15 min

13.30 Break 15 min

13.45 Workshops on site (no screening), 60 min

  1. “Legal grounds of digital accessibility” - How to interpret the legal requirements in university context (Suomeksi) - room U264
  2. Guidelines for teachers on making on-line courses accessible (In English) - room U9 (U271)

14.45 Break 15 min

15.00 Case stories 30 min

15.30 Panel discussion: “Digital future (in Higher Education): Challenges and solutions for digital accessibility”, 30 min

16.00 Closing remarks

Background material for the symposium

  • "The application of the Finnish Act on the Provision of Digital Services in universities" and "Training series supporting the implementation of the Digital Services Act autumn 2022" only in Finnish.
  • "Digital Accessibility" in English, Finnish and Swedish.
  • "Video introduction" in English.
Student at laptop. Photo by Aalto University / Aino Huovio

Digital tillgänglighet

Vägledning för digital tillgänglighet för Aaltos webbplatser, e-tjänster, mobila applikationer och dokument för att genomföra den nationella Lag om tillhandahållande av digitala tjänster (306/2019).

Equality, diversity and inclusion at Aalto
Braille keyboard

Digipalvelulain soveltamisesta yliopistoissa (på finska) (extern länk)

Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan digipalvelulain aiheuttamia muutoksia yliopistojen vastuissa liittyen tuottamiinsa digitaalisten palveluiden saatavuuteen ja saavutettavuuteen. Artikkeli myös avaa keskeiset lakiin liittyvät käsitteet.

ESAVI erilaisia päätelaitteita verkkosisältöjen käyttämiseen

Utbildningsserier som stöder implementeringen av lagen om digitala tjänster hösten 2022 (på finska) (extern länk)

Digitalisaation edistämisen ohjelman lainsäädäntötyöryhmä järjesti DPL-koulutusta syyskuussa 2022. Tällä sivustolla julkaistaan tallenteet ja materiaalit. Koulutuksissa keskityttiin tarkentamaan digipalvelulain velvoitteita ja avaamaan seurannassa ja kyselyillä esiin nousseita ongelmakohtia digipalvelulain (DPL) toimeenpanossa. Kohderyhmänä ovat viranomaiset kuten korkeakoulut.
Kouluttajina toimivat Etelä-Suomen aluehallintoviraston saavutettavuusvalvonnan asiantuntijat sekä lainsäädäntötyöryhmän jäsenet.

W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

Video Introduction to Web Accessibility and W3C Standards (extern länk)

You may use this video if you include a link to this page. More information is available in Using WAI Material: Permission to Use with Attribution.

Past Accessibility events at Aalto University

An Indonesian cave painting of a warty pig, sporting a pair of large bumps on its neck

Opportunities and Challenges for People with Disabilities on the Web

Act on the Provision of Digital Services, W3C WCAG 2.1 AA level and digital accessibility. Broaden your understanding of the EU web accessibility directive, usability for people with disabilities, training IT staff in higher education and how to include accessibility in IT architecture.

Faces of Aalto people

Aalto goes Accessible symposiums (extern länk)

Annual Aalto goes Accessible symposiums in the beginning of January are for learning, sharing and innovating best practices to promote equality and diversity at Aalto University. We will learn the opportunities offered by the blended learning environments of Aalto University. The goal is to provide faculty and staff with a good general knowledge of the benefits of blended learning environments and teaching methods and to train them in referring the students for the university services they need.

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