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M8 Art Space

M8 Art Space was initiated in 2016 to introduce artistic research into the thinking and making environment of electrical engineering at Aalto University. It does this by operating a platform for screen-based works by artists working with subjects connected to developments in electrical engineering. The four channel screen programme is located in the atrium of the Maarintie 8 building and is curated by Edel O' Reilly. 
Image: Installation of Exhibition by Dana Neilson 'Closer to (my) Nature' 4-channel video. 11-19 minute loop. 2017
Image: Installation of Exhibition by Dana Neilson 'Closer to (my) Nature' 4-channel video. 11-19 minute loop. 2017

Exhibitions at M8 Art Space 2019-2020

25.09.19 - 25.11.19 // ‘Polsima’ by Olivia Abächerli 

26.11.19 - 15.02.20 // ‘Interfacing Immortality’ by Bethany Crawford

21.02.20 - 21.11.20 // < AANOLEIMS > by Lukas MalteHoffmann

26.11.20 - 18.12.20 // 'No One Can Ever Embargo the Sun: Light, Silver and Land’ by Amanda Rice 

2020 - 2021 // Assem A. Hendawi

The screening programme at M8 Art Space is curated by Edel O' Reilly ([email protected])

M8 Art Space and other Aalto Exhibition Spaces:

Maarintie 8 at Aalto University campus

Maarintie 8

Maarintie 8

Image: Installation view of Jemina Lindholm exhibition 'Sick System'. Title 'How to make decisions' Video 05:53-2018

Previous Exhibitions at M8 Art Space

Please see details of previous artists and project screened at M8 Art Space in the School of Electrical Engineering (ELCE) since 2017.

Research & Art
Aalto betaspace, an exhibition venue for students at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture / photo by Julia Weckman.

Aallon galleriat ja näyttelytilat

Miten saadaan tilaa odottamattomille tavoille tarkastella maailmaa? Galleriat ja näyttelytilat ovat yhdessä toteutettuja toimintatiloja, joihin kootaan eri tekijöiden tietämystä, sisältöä, visioita ja intohimoa.

Tutkimus ja taide
Aalto-yliopisto / Unto Rautio

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Sivulta löydät ravintolat, Aalto Space -mobiilisovelluksen, kulkuluvat, kartat ja avaimet! Tutustu myös virtuaalikierrokseen.

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