
Learning@Aalto Gala 2019

Learning@Aalto Gala järjestetään Aalto-yhteisöltä Aalto-yhteisölle. Tervetuloa juhlimaan oppimista ja kuulemaan ja kokemaan, mitä hienoa on jälleen saatu aikaan. Teemana joulukuussa on opetus ja opettajien hyvinvointi.
Learning@Aalto Gala 2019 featured image.


Pre-Gala – aamun työpajat

8.30 Early Bird -aamiainen
9.15 Tervetuliaissanat, Petri Suomala
9.30–10.00 Co-teaching by Businesstheatre (Merita Petäjä, Tomi Kauppinen & Elina Kähkönen)

  • More and more demands for teachers. What kind of issues create high stress? Could co-teaching be inspiring, enhance own learning and own wellbeing?  Is co-teaching just another laborious idea making planning even more sticky, having to spend time planning with people, whose ideas are actually not as good as mine. Let’s see a drama and see how collaboration looks like. Elina Kähkönen (experienced co-teacher) will be commenting the situation and giving hints for the actors. Come and see, if it is possible to build high-quality connections and share the load with co-teachers. This session lasts 30 minutes, and it will be inspiring the discussions in other workshops. No entry during the show. Come and see it!

10.15–12.00 Työpajat (tarkemmat kuvaukset alempana) & Tule tapaamaan digipedagogisia asiantuntijoita Meet & Greet -hengessä!

  • Meet & Greet tarjoaa opastusta myös Turnitinin käyttöön!

Learning@Aalto Gala – iltapäivällä juhlitaan!  

12.00 Lounas
13.15 Learning@Aalto Gala, avaussanat
13.30 Pilottien ja kehitysprojektien demoja  ja pitchauksia, Learning Research Poster -näyttely & Teacher's corner
15.00–16.00 Juhla!

Ilmoittaudu työpajoihin viimeistään 11.12.

Workshop information

See the workshop descriptions below.

Teachers' corner information

Looking for a chance to show your teaching and present you methods, skills and ideas to Aalto community? Or to get new ideas for your own teaching? Teachers’ corner gives you a chance to showcase your achievements, to meet new likeminded people and to see how others are teaching. We are looking for a variety of fields, teachers, methods and presentations to give a presentation of 10 minutes in English followed by a short discussion.

To register as a performer, fill the registration form and let us know your preliminary topic and if you have any special needs in addition to your contact details. We encourage you to use different teaching and activation methods. In case we need to make a selection between proposals, variety of fields and schools will be used as a primary method. We will confirm your participation and send you additional information before the event.

Event will be hosted by educational developer Tiina Pylkkönen ([email protected])

Learning research poster information

What does research say about teaching and learning - based on Aalto-driven data?

This poster session is organized for to share knowledge about the themes, results, researchers etc. also for the researchers themselves to collaborate between discipline. The poster session will be in Makerspace at the same time with Demo session (13:30-15:00).

Present your poster (size: A1) by filling the title, the presenters, and an abstract (100-200 words) to the registration form.

Questions to answer by the posters: Who are the individuals doing research on teaching and learning in Aalto? Are there research groups in this research area higher education? What kind of questions do they examine? What discipline-specific higher education results have already been achieved? What kind of events of, e.g., Academic Societies, congresses, yearly international events do the academics participate and share the results?

Organisers: Max Finne (BIZ), Tomi Kauppinen, (AOle) Ville Kivimäki (ENG) Ari Korhonen (SCI), Teemu Leinonen (ARTS), Lauri Partanen (CHEM), Pasi Sarolahti (ELEC), Viivi Virtanen (Les)

Kyniä kierrätyskartongista tehdyssä tekonahkapussukassa

Mainiot materiaalit – tehdään tekonahkaa! -etätyöpajat 5.-6. -luokkalaisille 12.11. ja 13.11.

Marraskuun teemaviikolla tutkitaan tulevaisuuden biopohjaisia materiaaleja ja tehdään itse tekonahkaa kierrätyskartongista.
Shaking up Tech, kuva Mikko Raskinen

Hyvät käytännöt suurten opiskelijaryhmien opetuksessa

Tule kuulemaan ja keskustelemaan suurten ryhmien opetuksen parhaista käytännöistä 19.11. ja 25.11. klo 14-16.
Kuvassa mustikkamehulla tehtyä taidetta.

Mustikkamaalaus -etätyöpajat 1.-2.-luokkalaisille 10.12. ja 12.12.

Joulukuun teemaviikolla luodaan mustikkamehulla taidetta.
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