
Hydrogen Breakfast Series - Energy networks for the Hydrogen Economy

Tässä Hydrogen Breakfast -sarjan kolmannessa tapahtumassa tarkastelemme energiaverkostoja vedyntuotannon näkökulmasta. Tapahtuma yhdistää Aallon akateemiset ja teollisuuden puhujat.
kasvi ja virtaava vesi
Kuva: Aalto University / Adolfo Vera

In this third event in the Hydrogen Breakfast series, we will take a look at Energy Networks for the Hydrogen Economy. Professor Marko Hinkkanen, a member of Leadership team of the Aalto Hydrogen Innovation Center will open the event, and give an overview of Hydrogen-related research in the Aalto School of Electrical Engineering. We will then take a view on networks for the Hydrogen economy, including the interplay between hydrogen pipelines and the electricity transmission network.  Sara Kärki, Senior Vice president at Gasgrid Finland will give a perspective on this from the standpoint of a gas network operator. Janne Seppänen, Professor of Practice at Aalto & Senior Expert at Fingrid will give the corresponding viewpoint from the electricity transmission network side.

The audience may find it interesting to review the joint Fingrid & Gasgrid report linked here (only in Finnish).

The presentation will be followed by a panel discussion of all speakers, which will also be joined by Kimmo Karhu, Assistant Professor, at Aalto School of Engineering who is part of the BalticSeaH2 project.


  • Marko Hinkkanen, Associate Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, Aalto University
  • Sara Kärki, Senior Vice President, Hydrogen Development, Gasgrid 
  • Janne Seppänen, Professor of Practice, School of Electrical Engineering, Aalto University & Senior expert, Fingrid
  • Kimmo Karhu, Assistant Professor, School of Engineering (panel only)


 Sam Cross

Sam Cross

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