
How can mission-oriented policy accelerate the creation of solutions to grand challenges? IN2MISSION -seminaari

Come hear and discuss the most impactful innovation policy tools and instruments that enable advancements and innovations in data and platform economy to accelerate mission-oriented activities and system-level transformations. The event is open to everyone interested.
Energy materials

When? Wednesday 12 June at 13.00-16.00

Where? Aalto University, Kide seminar hall, Konemiehentie 1, 02150 Espoo

IN2MISSION research project seeks to improve the understanding of innovation policy tools and instruments that enable advancements and innovations in data and platform economy that would accelerate mission-oriented activities and system-level transformations. In the project we have focused on a select set of EU Missions addressing the grand and societal challenges, specifically the tackling of sustainability, climate change, circular economy and cancer.

Data and platform economy allows innovation of totally new ways to accelerate system level change of industries and society while at the same time creating ample opportunities for high growth business. Data and platforms can together establish a facilitative and enabling infrastructure that supports coordination, collaboration, and transparency, of company and public sector mission-oriented activities. A well-working and transparent informational infrastructure where data is pooled and used in intelligent ways can radically impact the effectiveness and scale of mission-oriented activities and accelerate system-level transformations.

The project has produced tangible advice to support the development of the Finnish business, innovation and entrepreneurship policy as well as management practices on acting efficiently and seizing business opportunities in mission-oriented activities.


  • Opening words
    Professor Robin Gustafsson, Aalto University and Research Team Leader Kirsi Hyytinen, VTT
  • Keynote: Implementing missions – creating the path while walking. A summary of current experiences and challenges. 
    Director Wolfgang Polt, Joanneum Research (Austria)
  • Policy recommendations: Mission oriented innovation policy
    Senior Scientist Ville Valovirta, VTT

Coffee break

  • Keynote: Is Data the New Crude Oil? Notes on the importance of information in the future of public administration
    Professor Kalle Lyytinen, Case Western Reserve University (USA)
  • Policy recommendations to accelerate solutions to grand challenges through informational infrastructures
    Robin Gustafsson, Aalto University
  • Panel discussion: How to accelerate mission impacts via informational infrastructures? 
    Panel moderated by Robin Gustafsson and Kirsi Hyytinen, VTT


Please register latest 7 June here


Further information about the project and the event can be obtained from:

Robin Gustafsson, Aalto University, [email protected]

Kirsi Hyytinen, VTT, [email protected]

The seminar is organized by the IN2MISSION project funded by Business Finland. The project has been carried out by Aalto University and VTT Technical Research Center of Finland. 

You are warmly welcome!

IN2MISSION: Miten innovaatiopolitiikalla voidaan nopeuttaa ratkaisujen luomista yhteiskuntamme suurimpiin haasteisiin?

Hankkeessa pyritään ymmärtämään, mitkä ovat vaikuttavimmat innovaatiopolitiikan välineet, jotka nopeuttavat ratkaisujen kehittämistä yhteiskunnan suuriin haasteisiin dataa ja alustoja hyödyntämällä.

Lue lisää IN2MISSION -projektista
Abstract image with colours picturing Energy materials textures. Photo by Helen Marton
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