
Fluff Stuff: Re-imagining common peatland management practices in Finland

Tutustu Suomen nykyisten turvemaiden hoitokäytäntöjen haasteisiin ja mahdollisiin ratkaisuihin keskustelemalla asiantuntijoiden kanssa.
Colour photograph of cattails plants growing on a snowy lake shore
Kuva: Typha Latifolia © Fluff Stuff

About 90 000km2 of Finland is covered by peatlands, making it proportionally the most peatland-rich country in the European Union. In the past, pristine Finnish peatlands have provided a wide range of important ecosystem services, valuable habitats and sustainable sources of income. Within a century, common peatland management practices, such as conventional agriculture, forestry management and peat extraction, have led to the drainage of 55% of Finnish peatland areas, turning them from long-term carbon storages to large-scale emission sources.

In this event, we have three expert talks that explore how to harness Finland's potential through rewetting peatlands, the cultivation and harvesting of wetland crops, and one innovative proposal for climate-wise utilization of Finnish peatlands.

Colour photo shows cattail plant flowers, their seed fluff, and a pillow with green pattern
Image: Typha Latifolia as a textile filler © Fluff Stuff


15:00-15:05 Opening words - Mark Hughes (Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems, Aalto)

15:05-15:25 Opportunities for new products and climate change mitigation in the land-use sector by biomass production on rewetted croplands - Kristiina Lång (Natural Resources Institute Finland, Luke)

15:25-15:35 Seeds for sustainable transitions? Investigating properties of cattail seed hair as textile fillings - Lukas Schuck (MSc student Creative Sustainability / Fluff Stuff Project)

15:35-15:45 The potential of robotics in paludiculture - Hermanni Viljanen (MSc Automation & Electrical Engineering)

15:45-16:00 Q&A


Photo of a person wearing a flowered shirt and glasses smiling at the camera
Kristiina Lång

Kristiina Lång, Research Professor. Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)

Opportunities for new products and climate change mitigation in the land-use sector by biomass production in croplands

Kristiina Lång is a research professor of agricultural greenhouse gas mitigation from the Natural Resources Institute Finland. She studies ways of improving the sustainability of land use in agriculture. She is especially keen on finding ways to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions of cultivated peat soils by developing value chains involving biomass production in rewetted peat soils.

Colour photo of person with a short beard smiling directly into the camera
Lukas Schuck

Lukas Schuck, MSc Student of Creative Sustainability. Aalto University

Seeds for sustainable transitions? Investigating properties of cattail seed hair as textile fillings

Lukas Schuck is a second year Master's Student of Creative Sustainability at Aalto University. During his studies, he has developed a particular interest toward regenerative agricultural transitions and wetland crop production on peatlands. In his master thesis, he explores the potential of seed hair fibers from the wetland crop Typha Latifolia as a planet-positive textile filling alternative.

Photo of a person wearing glasses with a goatee smiling into the camera
Hermanni Viljanen

Hermanni Viljanen, MSc student of Control, Robotics and Autonomous Systems. Aalto University

The potential of robotics in paludiculture

Hermanni Viljanen is a master's student at Aalto University majoring in Control, Robotics and Autonomous systems. Hermanni is currently focusing on optimizing the harvesting of Typha Latifolia seed fluff for the production of sustainable textile filling. He is interested in making paludiculture a more attractive alternative for farmers by enabling effective production of new sustainable materials.

Join us at the event

Anyone interested and curious about sustainable agricultural transitions, climate-wise peatland management or novel bio-based material solutions is welcomed to join the audience.

Visit the exhibition

For Helsinki Design Week at Aalto University, Fluff Stuff exhibits prototypes and raw material from the Typha Latifolia plant in the Väre building.

Learn more about the Fluff Stuff exhibition at Väre


Designs for a Cooler Planet 2022 main image. Visual identity design: Milja Komulainen & Hares Bassil

Tätä on elämä 1.5 – planeetalle ystävällisempiä materiaaleja, muotia ja ruokaa

Designs for a Cooler Planet on viiden viikon mittainen festivaali, joka on yhtä planeettaystävällisten materiaalien, muodin ja ruoan juhlaa.

Black font stating "Wear the future." and Designs for a Cooler Planet logo on a white, fragmented background.

Kestävä tyyli

Hidasta tyyliä pikamuodin sijaan: vaihtoehtoja tekstiileille, vaatteille ja vaateteollisuudelle.

Colour photo of a human hand holding a cattail flower that is spilling fluffy seeds on a black background

Fluff Stuff: Textile fillings from rewetted peatlands

An exhibition featuring prototype textile products and fillings, ranging from interior textiles to fashion apparel.

From The Test Site. Copyright Creative Sustainability.

Creative Sustainability

Creative Sustainability (CS) is a joint Master's degree programme at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture, School of Business and School of Chemical Engineering. Established in 2010, the CS programme brings students from a variety of fields together, to study and work in multidisciplinary teams and create novel sustainable solutions for human, urban, industrial and business environments. The pedagogical approach is based on integrating teaching and research, problem-based learning, design thinking, blended learning and strong connections to practical outcomes. The graduates of the programme have the endeavour to understand and address systemic phenomena and wicked problems.


Sähkötekniikan ja automaation laitos

Sähkötekniikan ja automaation laitoksen tutkimus keskittyy mikrosysteemitekniikan eri aloihin, sähkötekniikkaan ja automaatioon. Tutkimusalojamme ovat voimajärjestelmät ja muuntaminen, ohjaus, robotiikka ja autonomiset järjestelmät, terveysteknologia ja älykäs asuinympäristö ja teollisuuselektroniikka ja -informatiikka.

Lignocellulose samples by Mohamed Magd. Photo: Valeria Azovskaya

Biotuotteiden ja biotekniikan laitos

Bio2: johtavaa osaamista puunjalostusteknologiassa ja bioteknologian huippua

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