
Beyond sustainability-as-usual: co-creating transformative change in sustainable living

Aallon Bauhaus-päätapahtumassa pureudutaan radikaalin mullistaviin kysymyksiin.
Aalto Everyday Experiments Design for Government Photo: Valentina Casalini
Photo: Valentina Casalini

Uusi eurooppalainen Bauhaus haluaa rakentaa uudenlaisen, nylyistä osallistavamman toimintamallin, joka muuttaa perustavanlaatuisesti ja positiivisesti elintapojamme. Tavoitteena on luoda houkuttelevia yhteiskuntia, jotka toimivat sopusoinnussa luonnon kanssa.

Aallon päätapahtuma Bauhausin yhteissuunnitteluvaiheessa kannustaa kaikkia miettimään toimintatapojamme systeemitasolta ja uusista näkökulmista. Keskustelun puheenjohtajana toimii kestävän muotoilun apulaisprofessori İdil Gaziulusoy.

Mitä toimintatapoja pitäisi jättää taakse ja mistä oppia pois, jotta pystymme luomaan uudenlaiset suunnitteluperiaatteet, joissa toteutuvat osallisuus, kestävä kehitys ja estetiikka? Mikä on se "uusi" Uudessa eurooppalaisessa Bauhausissa?

Elinvoimaiset asuinympäristöt syntyvät osallistavamman, kestävämmän ja esteettisemmän suunnittelun avulla

Aalto-yliopiston Uusi eurooppalainen Bauhaus -päätapahtumassa haettiin rohkeita näkökulmia monialaiseen ja systeemitasoiseen muutokseen.

An article about the Bauhaus main event
WDC_Pavilion_photo_Tuomas Uusheimo


14:00 Tervetuloa  
Tapahtuman puheenjohtaja, İdil Gaziulusoy

The New European Bauhaus Initiative
Professor of Strategic Design Anna Valtonen

14:15 Pääpuheenvuoro 1  
Time to change: Building Wellbeing within the Planetary Boundaries 
Adjunct Professor of Architecture Matti Kuittinen

14.40 Pääpuheenvuoro 2  
Design for Sustainability Transformations: An Agenda for (Post-)pandemic Context
Assistant Professor of Sustainable Design, İdil Gaziulusoy 


15:15 Flash Talks 

  • Challenges and Opportunities in Making Recycled Fertilizer - the Putretti case.Professor, Environmental Technology, Olli Dahl

  •  Collaborative Processes for Better Cities. Architect, D.Sc. (Tech) and Senior Research Fellow Aija Staffans

  • Towards Carbon Neutrality in Construction. Professor, Real Estate Business, Seppo Junnila 

  • Creative Practices for Transformational Futures. Associate Professor, Co-design and Service Design, Tuuli Mattelmäki 

  • Transformative Urban Aesthetics. Research Fellow Sanna Lehtinen

  • Socially Involved Architecture: Architect, Vice Dean Saija Hollmén

16:15 Yhteenveto:İdil Gaziulusoy 

Kutsumme kaikki miettimään näkemyksellisiä kysymyksiä, joita Uuden eurooppalaisen Bauhaus -aloitteen tulisi käsitellä. Jotta muutos onnistuu, mitkä ovat olennaisimmat kysymykset omasta näkökulmastasi?

Keskustelu on osa Designs for a Cooler Planet -tapahtumakokonaisuutta.


Enni Äijälä, Specialist, partners and outreach 
Aalto Leadership Support Services 
+358 50 359 4810 
[email protected] 


Idil Gaziulusoy Aalto University Photo Veera Konsti
Photo: Veera Konsti

İdil Gaziulusoy  
Assistant Professor of Sustainable Design

Dr. İdil Gaziulusoy is a sustainability scientist and a design researcher, currently at Aalto University’s Department of Design. 

She has worked in Turkey, New Zealand, Australia and Finland in academic and practice contexts undertaking research, education and consulting roles. 

Her main interests include sustainable and post-carbon urban futures and transformative sustainability innovation in business. 

Anna Valtonen
Photo: Mikko Raskinen

Anna Valtonen  
Professor of Strategic Design

Dr. Anna Valtonen writes about the history of design (often in companies), as well as the future possibilities thereof. 

Design has always been about change, about how to change the existing situation into a preferred one. Much of Valtonen’s work has been about facilitating this change and increasing collaboration across fields.

She has a broad background in industry, academia, and is actively involved in several national and EU-level boards, advisory groups and consortia. 

Matti Kuittinen_Aalto University photo Evelin Kask
Photo: Evelin Kask

Matti Kuittinen  
Adjuct Professor of Resource-efficient Construction

Dr. Matti Kuittinen is a professor at the Department of Architecture.

His scientific work is focused on climate change mitigation at the crossroads of architecture, engineering and ecology.

Dr. Kuittinen also develops policies for low carbon construction and circular economy as a Senior Specialist at the Ministry of the Environment of Finland. 

Saija Hollmén Aalto University

Saija Hollmén 
Professor of Practice in Humanitarian Architecture

Dr. Saija Hollmén is a professor and Vice Dean for Art and Creative Practices at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture.

She holds a doctoral degree in architecture, her research interest covering topics of cross-cultural design practices and interdisciplinary pedagogies in higher education.

She is a co-founder of the interdisciplinary Aalto WiTLAB (Aalto World in Transition Research LAB), which focuses on global sustainability and humanitarian challenges. 

Seppo Junnila Aalto

Seppo Junnila
Professor of Sustainable Real Estate Business

Dr. Seppo Junnila is a professor at School of Engineering. He has worked several times as a visiting scholar in the University of California at Berkeley and Stanford University.

Before joining the academy, Dr. Junnila worked, for example, as a Head of Business Development and a Department Manager at Pöyry and as a Business Director at Finnish Innovation Fund (Sitra).

Currently, Dr. Junnila's research focuses on low-carbon urbanization, life-cycle technologies and management, and sustainable business innovation in built environment. 

Aija Staffans Aalto

Aija Staffans 
Senior Research Fellow

Dr. Aija Staffans is an architect and works as Senior Research Fellow at School of Engineering. Her research interest is in urban planning and design, especially in collaborative processes and knowledge integration.

She is a pioneer in developing participatory met­hods and digitally supported platforms for land use planning. Since 2018, she manages the multi-disciplinary key research area of human-centered living environments, Aalto Living+.

In 2016-2019 she visited Politecnico di Milano and from 2021 she is affiliated to Tallinn University of Technology. 

 Olli Dahl Aalto

Olli Dahl 
Professor of Environmental Technology

Dr (tech.) Olli Dahl is a professor of environmental technology within process industry.

He is a head of the Clean Technologies research group at Department of Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems at School of Chemical Engineering. 

Dahl is also a counsellor in environmental issues at the Supreme Administrative Court in Finland. 

Tuuli Mattelmäki Aalto photo Liina Nurmi
Photo: Liina Nurmi

Tuuli Mattelmäki 
Associate professor in Design 

Dr. Tuuli Mattelmäki is associate professor and head of Department of Design at Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture. 

The starting point of her research is in empathic, creative and participative approaches in design.

Currently, her current interests focus on the role and potentials of creative practices and service design for societal and sustainable impact. 

Sanna Lehtinen Aalto University

Sanna Lehtinen
Research Fellow

Dr. Sanna Lehtinen is a Research Fellow in the Transdisciplinary Arts Studies unit at School of Arts, Design and Architecture. 

Her research focuses on urban aesthetics and the philosophy of the city. 

Dr. Lehtinen is the President of the Finnish Society for Aesthetics, a member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Aesthetics, and a Codirector in the board of the international Philosophy of the City Research Group.  

Osallistu Uusi eurooppalainen Bauhaus -tapahtumiin

A New Bauhaus for a Green Deal by Christian Bason, Rowan Conway, Dan Hill and Mariana Mazzucato, Page 9.
Ote A New Bauhaus for a Green Deal -raportista, jonka ovat kirjoittaneet Christian Bason, Rowan Conway, Dan Hill ja Mariana Mazzucato, sivu 9

A New Bauhaus for a Green Deal-raportti

Christian Basonin, Rowan Conwayn, Dan Hillin ja Mariana Mazzucaton raporttipohtii sitä, miten Uusi eurooppalainen Bauhauson välttämätön esivaihe, joka rakentaa uusia ajattelun ja tekemisen tapoja Green Dealin tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi. 

Aalto New European Bauhaus proposals Photo: Aleksi Poutanen

Osallistu Uusi eurooppalainen Bauhaus -hankkeen suunnitteluun tänä keväänä

Kaikilla on poikkeuksellinen mahdollisuus vaikuttaa EU:n Green Deal -pilotteihin ja agendaan kevään 2021 aikana.

Aalto_University Camilo Cortes' Reina banca Photo_Karoliina_Paappa.jpg

Aalto-yliopisto Uusi eurooppalainen Bauhaus -aloitteen kumppaniksi

EU:n aloitteessa suunnitellaan tulevaisuuden asumistapoja muotoilun, kulttuurin, sosiaalisen osallisuuden, tieteen ja teknologian menetelmiä yhdistämällä.

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