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Avoimen yliopiston kurssit
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Maisteritasoinen sivuaine on hyvä suorittaa kandidaattitasoisen sivuaineen tai vastaavien opintojen jälkeen. Opetus on pääosin päiväopetusta. Voit suorittaa minkä tahansa neljästä sivuaineesta: International Business, People Management, Strategy ja Sustainability Management. Sivuaineiden sisällöt löydät alla olevasta valikosta sivuaineen nimeä klikkaamalla.
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Avoimen yliopiston kurssihaku
The minor in People Management offers a deep understanding of people management practices and challenges in contemporary organizations. The minor provides graduates with skills to approach people management issues with the strategy and capabilities of the organization in mind. The courses within the minor deal with people management practices such as recruitment, development, performance management and retention from a strategic perspective. Further, the courses offered aim at enhancing the participants’ ability to understand and design both national and international organizations.
Content of the minor
Below you can find listed those minor courses which are offered at Aalto Open University.
Choose 18-24 credits of the following courses:
MNGT-E1009 People Management 6 cr
MNGT-E1017 Current Issues in People Management 6cr
MNGT-E1004 Managing Diversity and Inclusion 6 cr
MNGT-E2008 Strategic People Management 6 cr
MNGT-E1010 Managing Organizational Behavior 6 cr
32C31000 Työsuhdejuridiikka 6 cr
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The minor of International Business (BIZ5011) develops the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to thrive in the increasingly turbulent global business environment. Student may choose a combination of courses that fits their specific professional interests, including courses on strategy, people management, marketing, and sustainability in an international context. This minor provides graduates with competencies to take strategic action in various settings from small entrepreneurial ventures to large multinational organizations. Real-life case studies conducted in multicultural teams improve students' ability to work and interact with diverse individuals in various contexts of the global economy. When planning minor studies, please take into consideration that some of the courses may have limitations and priorities as to class size.
Below you can find listed those minor courses which are offered at Aalto Open University.
Please select any four courses (24 cr) from the list below.
MNGT-C2001 International Business in the Era of Disruptions 6 cr
MNGT-E2009 International Strategy* 6 cr
MNGT-E2005 Sustainability in Global Value Chains 6 cr
MNGT-E2008 Strategic People Management** 6 cr
MNGT-E2013 Strategic Marketing in Global Context *** 6cr
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*Replaces course MNGT-E2002 International Growth Strategy
** Replaces course 26E03400 People Management in Multinational Corporations
*** Replaces course 26E00800 Global Marketing Management
The minor in Strategy (BIZ5210) enable graduates to respond to strategic challenges posed by fast changing business environment. The minor offers skills, knowledge and tools needed for analyzing and implementing strategies both in small entrepreneurial firms as well as in global corporations.
Below you can find listed those minor courses which are offered at Aalto Open University.
Please select any four courses (24cr) from the list.
MNGT-C1001 Introduction to Strategic Management 6 cr
21E00034 Strategy Process 6 cr
MNGT-E1005 Strategy in Action* 6 cr
MNGT-E2009 International Strategy** 6 cr
77E00200 Strategy Communication 6 cr
*Replaces course 21E00030 Strategy Work
**Replaces course MNGT-E2002 International Growth Strategy
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The minor in Sustainability Management (BIZ5013) provides graduates with skills and knowledge required for addressing the linkages between business and sustainability. The minor develops understanding and skills on how to create sustainable change in mature and as well emerging markets in networks of start-ups, multinationals, consulting companies, NGOs, and the public sector. Please select any four courses from the list.
21E16001 Sustainability in Business 6 cr
MNGT-E1002 Market-based Development in the Global South 6 cr
MNGT-E2005 Sustainability in Global Value Chains 6 cr
MNGT-E3004 Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Markets, and Systems Change* 6 cr
MNGT-C1011 Managing Circular Economy** 6 cr
*Replaces course 25E18000 Sustainable Entrepreneurship
** Replaces course 21C21000 Kiertotalouden strategiat ja johtaminen
At the moment only 3 of the listed courses are available at Open University. For courses which are not available at Open University, it may be possible to apply for a non-degree study right.
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Aikaisemman sivuaineen (minor in management and international business) rakenne löytyy täältä
Kun olet suorittanut sivuaineen vaatimusten mukaisesti, täytä avoimen yliopiston sivuaineen rekisteröintipyyntö.
Sivuaineen rekisteröintipyyntö
Sivuaineen opinnot tarkastetaan avoimessa yliopistossa. Sen jälkeen Aalto-yliopiston opintosuoritusotteelle tehdään erillinen merkintä sivuainekokonaisuudesta. Sinulle lähetetään opintosuoritusote, jossa on sekä sivuaine merkittynä että listattuna kaikki muut mahdolliset Aalto-yliopistossa suorittamasi opinnot. Sivuainemerkinnän käsittely kestää 1-2 viikkoa.
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