
Master's Thesis position on Information system integration at water utilities

The thesis worker will have an opportunity to work on information on solutions in cooperation with a water utility and the university.

Information system integration at water utilities Finnish water and wastewater utilities have various different information systems in use. Currently, these systems are often used separately and combining data from one to another requires a lot of manual work. This is a setback, since it results in ineffective use of the data sets available. Additionally, different utilities have software from different providers, which makes it more difficult to share knowledge between utilities. Each Finnish water utility will have to pay separately for the features they want to have in their software and the solutions obtained are not necessarily applicable at other utilities.

The aim of the Master’s Thesis is to find out, what could be the best ways for utilities to make their information use easier. The master¹s thesis is carried out in cooperation with the Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority (www.hsy.fi). The goal is to outline the main integrational requirements and the actions needed for improvement. The role of following aspects will be considered in particular:

  • The usefulness and the limitations of different data modes (e.g. BIM and the data model on network information)
  • Data management
  • Data transfer format

The thesis should look into solutions possibly existing already in other fields and assess their applicability for water utilities. The aim is to develop a model, which could be applied at Finnish water utilities in general.

The thesis worker will have an opportunity to work on information on solutions in cooperation with a water utility and the university. In order to be successful, the applicant should have good communication skills and know-how in the fields of software engineering, information systems and data management. Also knowledge of spatial data is considered a benefit for the applicant.

Starting time: can be agreed upon, the sooner the better.

More information:

Tuija Laakso, Aalto University, Water and Environmental Engineering research group, [email protected], Tel. 050 521 9568 Jussi Nikander, Luonnonvarakeskus, [email protected]

Please send your application, CV and record of transcript (opintosuoritusote) no later than May 8 to [email protected].

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